OpenEMR 4.1.1 Patch

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 20, 2013:


I confirmed that it is downloading and extracting fine using Windows right click Extract. What is the md5sum of the file you are downloading. It should be:

I basically create these zip files with the ubuntu zip command. I hope it hasn’t lost compliance with winzip (as an aside, what is the point of winzip anymore now that windows can create/unpackage zips natively?)


robyn03 wrote on Wednesday, March 20, 2013:

Hi, I downloaded the file, the archive are 394KB, I extracted the files with 7zip and the files are all correct.
It should be of that size?

NAME                      DIM
CCR                  16108
CUSTOM                  31619
INTERFACE              674149
LIBRARY                453303
MYPORTAL              146042
PATIENTS                    5466
SQL                444086

anonymous wrote on Wednesday, March 20, 2013:

Hi robyn,

This program will generate the md5 hash of the zip file you downloaded. That way you can compare it with the one brady posted above. Great tool to have on hand…

pfwilliams wrote on Thursday, March 21, 2013:

Stats for the initial file downloaded (1), and, after renaming it to and extracting (2):
1)  Name:      Size: 395,289    MD5: 362E59C2884C7A0CDD72514A5945026D
2)  Name:      Size: 402,980    MD5: 1927D07D3B17313F1F504F9490A9570D

I believe the server compresses the download stream as a zipped folder using the GZip format, and on my side my browser (IE8) should transparently remove that layer of compression.   I could go download files from 10 random websites and they’ll all work fine.  I only know of one other website where, for the last 9 months, any .zip file I download will end-up double-compressed; (pk)zip inside of gzip.  Some other users on that site have expressed having the same problem.

I have no idea whether an upcoming patch 13 will download similarily, but if anyone else receives what appears to be a corrupted archive, try the rename/extract steps detailed above.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 15, 2013:


The 13th patch for OpenEMR 4.1.1 has been released:

The patch just includes some minor security fixes(there will be a published vulnerability report soon after this release):
*Security fixes - contributed by bradymiller


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, June 18, 2013:

The inability to book appointments for secondary facilities persists with Patch 13. Kevin suggested a work-around in this thread, which continues to work.

Very nice to have SSL setup instructions as part of the Menu (Administration->Other-> Certificates). Thank you.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 27, 2013:


The 14th patch for OpenEMR 4.1.1 has been released:
The patch includes a critical bug fix:
*Critical bug fix in the immunization module - contributed by bradymiller
