OpenEMR 3.2.0 Planned Release

blankev wrote on Friday, January 01, 2010:

Include Charges YES/NO?

It is like CAMOS it is about inclusion of same information but through different input programming.

Charges can also be included through the FeeSheet.

In my opinion it is something that will confuse first time users. It is one way to do things and another way to get the same results. The result of both can have some separate advantages to different users.

So include one and have the option to activate the other.

But these other options must have a prominent place in the wiki manual so users can take an informed decisions and at least know that there is another option to include the same information.

Leaving both options in place as default will give rise to confusion.


sinmu wrote on Saturday, January 02, 2010:

dear all contributors

as a contributed developer - is there a way to add photograph of the patient .

and also a better straight forward easy to back up database


blankev wrote on Saturday, January 02, 2010:

Is there any change in the near future for the global.php file. I am thinking about some kind of extra information in teh WIKI PAGES about the different options that can be enables/disabled through globals.php.

Any advise?

BTW I could not LOGIN with the Username and password, also creating a new registration with same e-mail adres failed due to known user name, it won’t give me a new Password since user name is not recognized.


blankev wrote on Saturday, January 02, 2010:

Above INLOG remark was for the Wiki pages that were just moved to a different SERVER.:

tmccormi wrote on Sunday, January 03, 2010:

  Your userid may have gotten ported to the new wiki from the old one and gotten messed up in the process.  Send me an email with that info and I’ll look it up and see if the admin can reset it.


blankev wrote on Sunday, January 03, 2010:


thanks a lot for our reaction, but today everything seemed to work as before. Must have been a little flow in the new installation.


blankev wrote on Monday, January 04, 2010:

Within OpenEMR somewhere in a file the term “Layout Based” is not yet translated. “Layout Based” is in the Brady translation spreadsheet.

The untranslated words can be found in the right hand menu in “This encounter”, after activation of the Layout Based Visit Forms.


ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:

Pimm - and everybody else;

The Charges show up fine by default in 3.1.0 if you are using the Radio view, but need a Globals change to get that from the Tree View.  Again, the problem persists of divergence from prior defaults - I continue to request that we make certain that we provide users with clear justification for changing appearance, which seem too often to be one developers’ preference, and make certain we keep BOTH choices through at least two releases, with all options in each, and TELL users in releases that we will be dropping the ones we will subsequently stop supporting, so users have a chance to see how to operate with the new view before they have no choices - the idea is to avoid disrupting current users even as we all must acknowledge that some stuff must eventually become unsupported.

One of the MOST infuriating things about Micro$oft has been their “fixing” what wasn’t broke, which forced their user community to absorb needless costs to learn new ways of doing what they already knew, for no benefit whatsoever.  That may provide full employment for MS Certifications and consultants, but it is a poor way to treat customers. Thoughts?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:


To support patient pictures is very easy. Check out the thread:

To further discuss backup methods search thoruhg the forums here and check out our wiki. If still questions please post it in a separate thread.



bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:


Can’t verify this. Layout Based is getting translated (it’s the entry below the ‘category’ selection right). If still having issues give me the link to the page via right click->This Frame->View Frame Info


blankev wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:


I made some terrible mistakes mixing Local and Web Demos.  Yesterday V 3.2 was without Administration rights. Today all seem to work.

I tried the translation for Layout Based in Demo version 3.2 and all seems to work as Rod mentioned. Now I have to create some remark in FAQ Layout Based Visit Forms………. If I can remember what I did to screw up my own version. hahaha ;-))


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:

CPT is now in its fifth version (CPT-5)……  a long time ago.

I recommend a minor change to the release to reflect the current coding version -vs- the CPT4 default that is it now a being packaged with.


aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:


Actually it has always worked fine as is.  All that needs to be done is, where ever the word CPT4 is used (ie Billing) change it to CPT (Just get rid of the numeral).  Do the same for ICD, just get rid of the numeral, since ICD10 is slated for the US in October 2013.


blankev wrote on Tuesday, January 05, 2010:

And if the Developers team is not able to make this change before next release, you can go to Administration => Other => Language and change the relevant definitions in Englosh translation or constants in other Languages.

Or make changes in the related conigxxx-fff.php file (Rod knows which one and in what directory, I keep forgetting.)


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2010:

Sara will be starting the 3.2 Documentation updates this week for this release.  If you have any suggestions start a new 3.2 Documentation Thread and I’ll make sure she gets it.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, February 02, 2010:


Just a reminder to keep testing version 3.2.0 . Likely release in the next 2-3 weeks.

This version can be tested by either the online demo or testing on your local servers via the daily source snapshots:

- Demo:

- Daily Source Snapshots:

Please continue to test it and report any errors/bugs/problems here in the sourceforge forum.


ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, February 03, 2010:


I downloaded the 3.2 test version in early Jan and have been using it.  Have there been updates to that version, and if so, what?  I am currently doing instructions screenshots from it for Tony, so if there is anything meaningful, please let me know ASAP.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241  or  or

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 04, 2010:

Easiest way to do this is to just post the log from 1/1/2010 on. Here it is with filenames(top line), dates(middle line), and details(last line) for each change; note it’s not ordered by date (i hope the formatting works):

Working file: openemr/contrib/forms/scanned_notes/new.php
date: 2010/01/13 17:11:25;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +15 -4
better support for multi-page images

Working file: openemr/contrib/forms/scanned_notes/report.php
date: 2010/01/13 17:11:25;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +22 -6
better support for multi-page images

Working file: openemr/contrib/forms/scanned_notes/view.php
date: 2010/01/13 17:11:26;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +15 -4
better support for multi-page images

Working file: openemr/contrib/util/restore
date: 2010/01/26 01:59:21;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -6
minor fix to allow either double or single quotes in sqlconf.php

Working file: openemr/custom/
date: 2010/01/07 05:02:28;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +134 -67
Statement Process Enhancement #2900727

Working file: openemr/interface/globals.php
date: 2010/01/14 06:51:08;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -3
added chinese traditional and simplified constants

date: 2010/01/11 04:47:55;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -1
make config export/import optional

date: 2010/01/07 05:02:30;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +11 -2
Statement Process Enhancement #2900727

Working file: openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php
date: 2010/01/22 23:05:28;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +7 -4
fixed problem with multiple GS segments

date: 2010/01/13 16:51:11;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -3
fix for IEA01

Working file: openemr/interface/billing/sl_eob_search.php
date: 2010/01/07 05:02:30;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +66 -28
Statement Process Enhancement #2900727

Working file: openemr/interface/forms/LBF/new.php
date: 2010/01/21 17:00:43;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +19 -0
fix for billing code field type

Working file: openemr/interface/main/backup.php
date: 2010/01/11 04:47:56;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +12 -9
make config export/import optional

Working file: openemr/interface/reports/prescriptions_report.php
date: 2010/01/23 10:22:58;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -2
Fix drug name search to work in a broader sense

Working file: openemr/library/
date: 2010/01/13 16:52:25;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +16 -1
fix for encounter claims and added support for AMT*AAE segment

Working file: openemr/library/
date: 2010/01/26 23:49:48;  author: sunsetsystems;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -6
fixed bug in handling of apostrophes in layout field titles

Working file: openemr/library/
date: 2010/01/30 01:14:56;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -0
translation definition illegal character bug fix - from artifact 2942625

Working file: openemr/library/ajax/prescription_drugname_lookup.php
date: 2010/01/22 23:53:04;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1
apostrophe bug fix in drug name, tracker artifact-2926772

Working file: openemr/library/classes/Prescription.class.php
date: 2010/01/22 23:53:04;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -4
apostrophe bug fix in drug name, tracker artifact-2926772

Working file: openemr/library/classes/class.ezpdf.php
date: 2010/01/13 17:25:58;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -5
set default margins to 5

Working file: openemr/templates/prescription/general_list.html
date: 2010/01/22 21:13:44;  author: bradymiller;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
bug fix to display number with units inspired by MMFSystems

ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, February 04, 2010:

Thanks Brady

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241  or  or

dlee5400 wrote on Friday, February 05, 2010:

Testing the “Nickname”  on forms to see if the Form name will be replaced with the nickname on the menu tree. It didn’t replace the name with the NickName.

Is there a rule on the nicknames for the forms or is this a potiential bug?

$reg = getRegistered();
if (!empty($reg)) {
  foreach ($reg as $entry) {
    $option_id = $entry['directory'];
	  $title = trim($entry['nickname']);
    if ($option_id == 'fee_sheet' ) continue;
    if ($option_id == 'newpatient') continue;
	  if (empty($title)) $title = $entry['name'];
      "patient_file/encounter/load_form.php?formname=" .
