OpenEMR 2.8.3 Calendar Help!

rasjahshout wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008:

Does anyone know why the day view of the calendar screen only shows the first hour and not list the complete day in hours on the front page?
Example … right now in the calendar day view it lists across the screen the user and then only list the time of day from 8:00 am and i want it to list the time from 8:00am to 9:30pm in 30 minute intervals … i made the necessary changes in the global.php file to to the 30 minute intervals and to display time form 8:00am to 9:00pm.
I would like to have the same effect on the day view of the calendar like how OpenEMR 2.8.1 displays it. The version I am using is OpenEMR 2.8.3
If anyone have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, June 25, 2008:

This appears to be a hardware problem.  It happens with certain browser / operating system / video card combinations.  It seems to be a rendering problem related to how well the operating system uses the video card. 

I run a mixture of different operating systems as clients. I know for instance that as of this minute out of ~30 client machines 3-4 of them have this problem.  The others do not.  I know that running Gentoo, AMD Athlon 64 x2 , GeForce 6150 with 128 meg of video RAM, I can see all the lines.  An almost identical system running with a FreeBSD 6.2 operating system does not show the lines and looks the way you describe.  (I run Firefox as the browser).

I am not sure why this happens, but it is not OpenEMR.  How else can I run 26 clients that look fine and 4 don’t all at the same time?

What specific hardware are you using?

Sam Bowen, MD

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, June 25, 2008:

Perhaps I misunderstood, have you created "In Office", "Out of office", and "Lunch Events" as described in the manual?

Sam Bowen, MD

ternary wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2008:

That’s exactly what I saw until I created In Office and Out Of Office repeating events.

shows in the 2nd screenshot a nice calendar being displayed (well, not so nice because there are no appointments but I digress) but to the uninitiated, who is using that tutorial to setup OpenEMR,  the In and Lunch events seem insignificant and we don’t realize, until we get through the next few tutorials that they got there after the user created those events.

The OP either figured it out or gave up (as I did a year ago) but I’ve lost my job and am starting my own practice on the cheap so here I am again.

cfapress wrote on Friday, July 18, 2008:

The newest OpenEMR code in development includes a new calendar style which can be chosen over the old (default) style. It will show your events without the IN and OUT of office events. So it can be used like a typical calendar might be. The bonus you get with the IN and OUT events defined is that you can then search for available time slots in the future when adding a new event for a Provider.

But I agree that the old and still default calendar style can be confusing if you’ve never read through the tutorial.
