Open EMR password error

tsilomed wrote on Thursday, March 12, 2009:

I have downloaded O emr  2-8-3 i do the exact things that Manual says , but when i reach login screen manual says : Username = openemr
                           Password = passwordopenemr

but when i type so , it pops a failed .
So i cant procide farther .
Any help on that ? i need it really fast !

Ty for reading

Chris M.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, March 12, 2009:

I am assuming your talking about the OpenEMR Appliance.

As i recall, I made some mistakes on the original user manual. The most recent revision of manual can be found at:
check out the ‘List of Login Names and Password’ section for the passwords.

In the 2.8.3 OpenEMR Appliance, the login name is openemr and the password is openemrcool


tsilomed wrote on Thursday, March 12, 2009:

thanx for that ! really helped