Open emr installation fo database issue

shihabkb wrote on Friday, September 25, 2009:

This is my first post in this forum.
I am trying to install and setup OpenEMR.
I have installed OpenEMR 3.1.0. After installation I am trying to create a patient. I have Who, Contact, Choices, Employer, Status checkboxes.

Firstly I have given the data for Who check box. It gives me an error "Error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘providerID’ at row 1
". After that I have filled all the data for Who,Contact,Choice etc. Then at this time it gives me an error like table history_data doesnot exist.

One more issue when I click on the Authorizations (More) link it gives me an error "Error: Table ‘openemr.transactions’ doesn’t exist". I understand that my data bse is not uptoday. How can I do that. Can somebody help me?