Onsite portal HTMl title fix

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:


In Onsite portal, after we get into a patient detail, by entering the login credentials, the webpage title shows the direct link to the page (shown in figure 1 in attachment below).

This should not be case and it should display something meaningful like the figure 2 in the attachment below.

Here is the link of the fix for it - Adding HTML title tag for properly displaying the title on portal web… · arnabnaha/openemr@10f6ae3 · GitHub

Thanks and regards,

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, October 10, 2015:

Hi Arnab,
I placed a comment on github.

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, October 10, 2015:

Hi Brady,
Revised commit is here-


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, October 10, 2015:

Hi Arnab,
I just commited your improvement to the codebase. Thanks for the contribution.

arnabnaha wrote on Sunday, October 11, 2015:

Thank you Brady.