Only login works

n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

I have just installed openemr-4.1.2 on a linux host. all seemed to go w/o errors.
when I login, i can go no further. any selection on the left returns the url appended with 'lef-nav.php but makes no change in screen display
Gotta be something basic, but i am clueless what to look at ?
logged in screen visible at

Problem is I can not change the screen. choosing something like MISCELLANEOUS PASSWORD causes the left screen to blink, but that is it. is the link assigned to ANY of the left selections ???

Gotta be something basic as this is brand new install.

Thanks, Howie

yehster wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

When the left nav frame looks like that, it typically means that the JavaScript tied to the left frame failed somewhere.

Inspecting the browser’s console for JavaScript errors may provide some clues.

More details about your server environment may also be useful.

n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

selecting ‘online support’ and ‘manual’ work from menu work ok-

n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

i did a recursive chmod 755 which seems to have things working.
tks, howie

yehster wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

I see some mangling of javascript includes when I inspect your login page

…script language=‘JavaScript’ data-rocketsrc=“…/…/library/js/jquery-1.4.3.min.js” type=“text/rocketscript”>…/script

(references to rocketscript instead of javascript)

Do you have some other framework/site builder running on that server which might be interfering with OpenEMR?

n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

yeah, looks like the problem has reappeared.

Well, I am guessing that rocketscript is coming from Cloudflare.
Is it possible Cloudflare and OpenEMR are not compatible ??

Tks, Howie

n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

Kevin -

THANK YOU so much for noting that.
I think/hope the problem is in Cloudlfare rocketlauncher enablement:
Rocket Loader™ (Web optimization)/ BETA
Automatically asynchronously load all JavaScript resources. Learn more…

I turned that off and things look better.
I will update again when more testing has occured.


n4af wrote on Monday, January 13, 2014:

I think the incompatibility w/ Cloudflare Rocket Loader was the problem.

Tks, Howie