Oklahoma Medicaid "Contract Code"

gsporter wrote on Sunday, May 20, 2012:

We are billing through OfficeAlly and have a problem with our Oklahoma Medicaid claims. We are currently submitting HCFA text files until we work out some issues with X12.  They are passing OpenAlly’s  review.   However we are not getting paid on them.  After contacting their electronic claims department who said we are “missing the contract code G in loop 2300”.  We were given a contract code to enter (in all caps) but I am not sure exactly where it needs to be entered in OpenEMR.    I suspect it should go either under :

Adminsitration | Practice | Insurance Numbers


Patient/Client | Visit Forms | Misc Billing Options HCFA

Has anyone else encounter this issue adn what was your solution?

Thanks for your attention to this matter,

gsporter wrote on Sunday, May 20, 2012:

I forgot to mention it shows up in box 31 under “additional fields”