boilermanc wrote on Monday, February 16, 2009:
Just wondering if anyone has any idea how many installs of OpenEMR there are? Just curious as to the adoption of the product?
boilermanc wrote on Monday, February 16, 2009:
Just wondering if anyone has any idea how many installs of OpenEMR there are? Just curious as to the adoption of the product?
anojgoel wrote on Tuesday, February 17, 2009:
it is a wonderful product and the price is right.
drbowen wrote on Tuesday, February 17, 2009:
It is difficult to count. All of our distribution is through anonymous downloads. I estimate between several hundred to several thousand. I know that I receive and answer emails for help to install, licensing questions and so forth from about 15-20 countries and about 20 states.
Andres Paglayan has previously suggested including a pinging script that pings whenever there is an install. We could also ask for a voluntary email on installation.
We definitely need a better way to count successful installations. This is important to the project as a whole because it affects the ability to apply for grants. Sam Bowen, MD