mmfsystems wrote on Thursday, January 05, 2012:
Title: Not able to view more than 15 records in the disclosure page.
Provided by:
MMF - Internal Issue Management System Bug ID: bug#8
Title: Not able to view more than 15 records in the disclosure page.
Description: User is not able to view more than 15 records in the disclosure page as pagination is not there.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Log into the application.
2. Select a patient.
3. Go to disclosure page from demographics section.
4. Record more than 15 disclosures and save it.
5. Verify the number of records displayed on Disclosures page.
Reason: Logic written for displaying disclosures didn’t have pagination code…
SourceForge Tracker Link: &aid=3415350 &group_id=60081&atid=493001
Code Contribution Location/ GitHub Branch Link: mmfsystems-disclosure-pagination
Suggestions and reviews are welcome from the community
Devender Pal Singh
MMF Systems Inc.