Not able to login

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, October 28, 2015:

FSGL I think you had a fix for this, but here goes. I am working along on my development machine (win 7 4.2 (3)) I made some changes to the fee sheet and to globals. Went to openemr to login and it acted like it was, I see the main screen and then it goes back to the login. Ok so I undo my program changes but still can’t login. I am getting this warning in the php error log

[27-Oct-2015 19:49:26 America/New_York] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ on line 151

I said to my self well its time to start a fresh and so I down load the development release from the site. Did that but no change anything. I did poke around in the users table and saw that all users had NoLongerUsed in the password field (which it should be from what I can tell) except the user I was using when it stopped working , under password for that user it has 9d4e1e23bd5b727046a9e3b4b7db57bd8d6ee684

Any help or ideas welcome.


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 28, 2015:

Did you try this?

In my limited experience testing, it’s helpful to be able to restore a system image when undoing code changes fails.

On my production copy recovery of backup takes 40 minutes while system image takes 20 minutes.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 28, 2015:

Found this explanation for the warning.