We periodically create charges and receive payment for items unrelated to patient care such as medical records requests or incentives that do not neccessarily relate to a certain patient. I would like to post these in some way in OpenEmr to make sure deposits match posted income as an internal audit and accuracy measure. Does anybody have ideas on how to do that.
This can be addressed from the “Payments” system developed by Z&H Healthcare Solutions(patch posted in the Tracker) which may suite your requirement. Currently the payment entity is shown with the options ‘Patient’/‘Insurance’. You can add the relevant option in the list (Payment Type) and can map the same with ‘Pre-Payment’ Category.
Under administration>>Lists> There is a list called “Payment Adjustment Code” wherein you can add any category of payments that you want which will reflect in the payments window. Pre-payment is meant for advance money charged by doctors for patient care: for instance, surgical fees.
We have categorized all special payments and assigned a six digit code that is entered in the super bill and fee sheet. This way when you generate a claim it appears there. We have taken care in HCFA 1500/x12 that these special home generated codes are ignored while generating claims. This is very useful since patients do ask for a number of reports. But they will appear in the EOB and get accounted properly. If you are interested I can send you details.
Thank you for the replies. I tried it out on the 3.2 demo site and worked out a way to do what I need with your ideas. In order not to have some of these show up on a patients personal account when that isn’t applicable, I made up a patient named " records release". I made up an CPT code as Raj suggested and I will assign them a payment code as Sam suggested. Luckily if you leave the standard fee zero, you can change it on entering the fee sheet. Also in creating the visit, you can list information to identify where it came from. It seems like kind of a work around, but it should be functional. I am not yet familiar with the Tracker or patches there, and for now I am sticking with using stable releases for my office.