Non-critical CSS warnings about missing images

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, May 24, 2014:

Standard themes in the package contain following references to missing images causing css image error events.

.example_menu a.expanded {background: #bbb url(‘collapse.gif’) no-repeat 3px 50%;}
.example_menu a.collapsed {background: #bbb url(‘expand.gif’) no-repeat 3px 50%;}

Surprisingly a really non-descript class name like “example_menu” is being used in the package for notes feature. 3 options to fix this minor issue are :

  1. Remove two specifications which retains current behavior. (This is What we have done.)

  2. Add two gif files to package and fix the url path to images directory.

  3. Reuse existing gifs by fixing css to indicate direction in which menu action will occur (???) :

.example_menu a.expanded:hover {
background: #bbb url(‘…/…/images/max.gif’) no-repeat 3px 50%;
.example_menu a.collapsed:hover {
background: #bbb url(‘…/…/images/min.gif’) no-repeat 3px 50%;