I don’t see an option to enable the FHIR API under the Prerequisites section
" Prerequisite
Enable the Standard FHIR service (/fhir/ endpoints) in OpenEMR menu: Administration->Globals->Connectors->“Enable OpenEMR Standard FHIR REST API” Enable the Patient Portal FHIR service (/portalfhir/ endpoints) in OpenEMR menu: Administration->Globals->Connectors->“Enable OpenEMR Patient Portal FHIR REST API”
Am I missing something? My goal is to be able to create patients and update them via a FHIR Restful API.
@daveboerner did you ever get this fixed? I still can’t find the option to enable the FHIR server.
Not sure if it is to with me installing OpenEMR via XAMPP and not docker/AWS or so
right i saw swagger, except for few resources everything is read only. But I am still not able to enable FHIR server (API) in OpenEMR. It only shows how to use it as a client to connect to other FHIR server but not how to behave like a FHIR server. Not sure if it version specific or not there at all.