Have the system up except for patient documents are not showing up in openemr.
The files are in the documents dir, and the info is in the database.
made backup mv openemr openemr282
installed the new openemr
restored mysql openemr database
removed new documents dir rm -r /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/documents
moved backup documents dir mv /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr282dev/documents /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/documents
all the documents are now in openemr/documents
the documents table has the files listed for example
If I go to patient 90 there is no associated listed document.
when I restored the openemr database from backup I deleted openemr and then created a db named openemr, and then restored the database mysql -uXXX -pXXX openemr < openemrbackup.sql
Is there any stored procedures/triggers etc that are new to the mysql 5 version of openemr?
also try turning warnings (not very sueful) and errors on,
but log them instead of sending them to the screen,
this is very self-explanatory in the php.ini file,
change the values, re-start apache,
go to the documents section, and send the php error log,
As I know, there was some problem with MySQL5 because of poorly written data querry in the CategoryTree.class.php. MySQL 4 somehow overlooked it, but MySQL 5 picks this up. TG (TekknoGenius) has fixed the problem if you download the file from CVS.
Downloaded openemr from cvs.
Copied over CategoryTree.class.php
didn’t work until I modified databases based on 2_8_2-to-2_8_3_upgrade.sql to get the CategoryTree to work.
OpenEMR 2.8.2; Original SQL query is wrong. Change it to read :
class CategoryTree extends Tree {
$sql = "SELECT c.id, c.name, d.id AS document_id, d.type, d.url FROM (categories AS c LEFT JOIN categories_to_documents AS c2d ON c.id = c2d.category_id), documents AS d WHERE c2d.document_id = d.id";