Newcrop diagnoses

dokellie wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:

diagnoses not being imported into Newcrop and I do not find a way to add
them within newcrop. Ideas/Help?

Linda E. Hungerford MD

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:


diagnosis are added in the encounter. To open an encounter, set an appointment for a patient, on the calendar double click the time and set the patient as arrived. The system will automatically create an encounter. If you have the bottom screen enabled you will see the new encounter. If there are existing encounters, select the encounter that is missing the diagnoses. Open it and there are two windows, the one on the left is what the patient was there to be seen that day, the one on the right is the allergies and medications. These should be the two things that NewCrops needs to import to start the script process.

At the top of the patient demographics page there is a link named Issues. Check there to see if there are missing information in the patients chart. Under medical problems you will see the diagnosis codes that newcrops is looking for. You can click on the Add button there as well to enter diagnosis.

cmvincent wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:

I wasn’t aware that a new encounter could be created by creating an appointment and setting the status as arrived. Great to know! But when I did this and had the bottom pane enable, the new encounter did not display in the bottom pane (the already open encounter remained there). If there an Admin Global parameter that would cause the system to display the new encounter?


dokellie wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:

On 6/17/2013 12:14 PM, Cristina Vincent wrote:

I wasn’t aware that a new encounter could be created by creating an
appointment and setting the status as arrived. Great to know! But when
I did this and had the bottom pane enable, the new encounter did not
display in the bottom pane (the already open encounter remained
there). If there an Admin Global parameter that would cause the system
to display the new encounter?


newcrop diagnoses

Probably need to have both panes enabled. I have found that it is not
necessary to set the status of the appointment and I can keep working
once I’ve created the appointment under New Encounter.

The diagnosis does not get imported into Newcrop even with
appointments/encounters that have been confirmed as ‘arrived’.
Linda E. Hungerford MD

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:

Did you purchase the NewCrops service from MI2?

If you did, you can post a ticket on

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:

did you check the Issues page?