rehman123 wrote on Monday, February 15, 2010:
I have exactly the same problem. The install was a like a breeze. I am using XAMPP 1.7.1
Here is how my browser accesses the file,
My install directory is,
C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\oemr
The other sites seem to be functional,
Here is my globals.php,
ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘64M’);
ini_set(‘session.gc_maxlifetime’, ‘14400’);
// Emulates register_globals = On. Moved to here from the bottom of this file
// to address security issues. Need to change everything requiring this!
$ps = strpos($_SERVER,“myadmin”);
if ($ps === false) {
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . “/…/includes/config.php”);
// Global variable file in which colors and paths are set for the interface.
// Set this to the full absolute directory path for openemr:
$webserver_root = “C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/oemr”;
// Set this to the relative html path, ie. what you would type into the web
// browser after the server address to get to OpenEMR. For example, if you
// type “” to load OpenEMR, set $web_root
// to “/clinic/openemr” without the trailing slash.
$web_root = “/openemr”;
// Collecting the utf8 disable flag from the sqlconf.php file in order
// to set the correct html encoding. utf8 vs iso-8859-1. If flag is set
// then set to iso-8859-1.
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . “/…/library/sqlconf.php”);
if (!$disable_utf8_flag) {
ini_set(‘default_charset’, ‘utf-8’);
else {
ini_set(‘default_charset’, ‘iso-8859-1’);
// This is the return mail address used when sending prescriptions by email:
$GLOBALS = "";
// Root directory, relative to the webserver root:
$GLOBALS = “$web_root/interface”;
// Absolute path to the source code include and headers file directory (Full path):
$GLOBALS = “$webserver_root/library”;
// Absolute path to the location of documentroot directory for use with include statements:
$GLOBALS = “$webserver_root”;
// Absolute path to the location of interface directory for use with include statements:
$include_root = “$webserver_root/interface”;
// Absolute path to the location of documentroot directory for use with include statements:
$GLOBALS = $web_root;
$GLOBALS = $GLOBALS . “/templates/”;
$GLOBALS = $include_root;
// Location of the login screen file
$GLOBALS = “$rootdir/login_screen.php”;
// Language Translations Control Section
// Current supported languages: // Allow capture of term for translation:
// Armenian // xl(‘Armenian’)
// Bahasa Indonesia // xl(‘Bahasa Indonesia’)
// Chinese // xl(‘Chinese’)
// Dutch // xl(‘Dutch’)
// English (Indian) // xl(‘English (Indian)’)
// English (Standard) // xl(‘English (Standard)’)
// French // xl(‘French’)
// German // xl(‘German’)
// Greek // xl(‘Greek’)
// Hebrew // xl(‘Hebrew’)
// Norwegian // xl(‘Norwegian’)
// Portuguese (Brazilian) // xl(‘Portuguese (Brazilian)’)
// Russian // xl(‘Russian’)
// Slovak // xl(‘Slovak’)
// Spanish // xl(‘Spanish’)
// Swedish // xl(‘Swedish’)
// Login Menu Language Translation Configuration
// ‘language_menu_login’ toggle
// -If set to true then will allow language selection on login
// -If set to false then will not show menu in login and will use default (see below)
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘language_menu_all’ toggle
// -If set to true then show all languages in login menu
// -If set to false then only show chosen (see below) languages in login menu
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘language_menu_show’ array
// -ONLY pertinent if above ‘language_menu_all’ toggle is set to false
// -Displays these chosen languages in the login menu
$GLOBALS = array(‘English (Standard)’,‘Swedish’);
// ‘language_default’
// -Sets the default language
// -If login menu is on, then it will be the ‘Default’ choice in menu
// -If login menu is off, then it will choose this language
$GLOBALS = “English (Standard)”;
// Language translation options
// -The globals below allow granular control to turn off translation of
// several specific parts of OpenEMR.
// ‘translate_layout’
// -If true, then will translate the layout information.
// -If false, will not translate the layout information.
// If false, then most of the demographics and patient data
// entry forms will not be translated.
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘translate_lists’
// -If true, then will translate the lists information.
// -If false, will not translate the lists information.
// If false, then many lists of information in forms
// and templates will be untranslated.
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘translate_gacl_groups’
// -If true, then will translate the access control group names.
// -If false, will not translate the access control group names.
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘translate_note_titles’
// -If true, then will translate the patient Form (note) titles.
// -If false, will not translate the patient Form (note) titles.
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘translate_document_categories’
// -If true, then will translate the document categories.
// -If false, will not translate the document categories.
$GLOBALS = true;
// ‘translate_appt_categories’
// -If true, then will translate the appt categories.
// -If false, will not translate the appt categories.
$GLOBALS = true;
// Include the translation engine. This will also call to
// open the openemr mysql connection.
include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . “/…/library/”);
// Lists and Layouts Control Section
// ‘state_custom_addlist_widget’
// - If true, then will display a customized addlist widget for
// state list entries (will ask for title and abbreviation)
$GLOBALS = true;
// Data type options. This will set data types in forms that are not
// covered by a layout.
// 1 = single-selection list
// 2 = text field
// 26 = single-selection list with ability to add to the list (addlist widget)
// (the list entries below are only pertinent for data types 1 or 26)
// ‘state_data_type’
$GLOBALS = 26;
$GLOBALS = “state”;
// ‘country_data_type’
$GLOBALS = 26;
$GLOBALS = “country”;
// Vitals form and growth chart units (US and-or metrics)
// 1 = Show both US and metric (main unit is US)
// 2 = Show both US and metric (main unit is metric)
// 3 = Show US only
// 4 = Show metric only
// Flag to not show the old deprecated metric form in
// the unregistered section of the admin->forms module.
// (since 3.1.0, metric units are now used along with US units
// in the main vitals form; controlled by above setting)
$GLOBALS = true;
include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . “/…/library/date_functions.php”);
include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . “/…/library/classes/Filtreatment_class.php”);
// Default category for find_patient screen
$GLOBALS = ‘Office Visit’;
// The session name appears in cookies stored in the browser. If you have
// multiple OpenEMR installations running on the same server, you should
// customize this name so they cannot interfere with each other.
// Also, if modify session_name, then need to place the identical name in
// the phpmyadmin file here: openemr/phpmyadmin/libraries/
// at line 71. This was required after embedded new phpmyadmin version on
// 05-12-2009 by Brady. Hopefully will figure out a more appropriate fix.
// Set this to 1 or 2 to activate support for the new frame layout.
// 0 = Old-style layout
// 1 = Navigation menu consists of pairs of radio buttons
// 2 = Navigation menu is a tree view
// If >0 this will enforce a separate PHP session for each top-level
// browser window. You must log in separately for each. This is not
// thoroughly tested yet and some browsers might have trouble with it,
// so make it 0 if you must. Alternatively, you can set it to 2 to be
// notified when the session ID changes.
$GLOBALS = 1; // 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes+debug
// used in Add new event for multiple providers
$GLOBALS = false;
// NOT functional. Always keep this value FALSE.
// Plan to remove when this functionally has been completely
// removed from code.
// Theme definition:
if ($GLOBALS) {
$top_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#dddddd" ';
$GLOBALS = “#dddddd”;
$bottom_bg_line = $top_bg_line;
$title_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#bbbbbb" ';
$nav_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#94d6e7" ‘;
} else {
$top_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#94d6e7" ‘;
$GLOBALS = “#94d6e7”;
$bottom_bg_line = ’ background="’.$rootdir.’/pic/aquabg.gif" ';
$title_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#aaffff" ‘;
$nav_bg_line = ’ bgcolor="#94d6e7" ‘;
$login_filler_line = ’ bgcolor="#f7f0d5" ‘;
$login_body_line = ’ background="’.$rootdir.’/pic/aquabg.gif" ‘;
$css_header = “$rootdir/themes/style_sky_blue.css”;
$logocode="<img src=’$rootdir/pic/logo_sky.gif’>";
$linepic = “$rootdir/pic/repeat_vline9.gif”;
$table_bg = ’ bgcolor="#cccccc" ';
$GLOBALS = “#cccccc”;
$GLOBALS = “#222222”;
$GLOBALS = “#dddddd”;
$GLOBALS = $bottom_bg_line;
// The height in pixels of the Logo bar at the top of the login page:
$GLOBALS = 110;
// The height in pixels of the Navigation bar:
$GLOBALS = 22;
// The height in pixels of the Title bar:
$GLOBALS = 20;
// The assistant word, MORE printed next to titles that can be clicked:
// Note this label gets translated here via the xl function
// -if you don’t want it translated, then strip the xl function away
$tmore = xl(’(More)’);
// The assistant word, BACK printed next to titles that return to previous screens:
// Note this label gets translated here via the xl function
// -if you don’t want it translated, then strip the xl function away
$tback = xl(’(Back)’);
// This is the idle logout function:
// if a page has not been refreshed within this many seconds, the interface
// will return to the login page
if (!empty($special_timeout)) {
$timeout = intval($special_timeout);
else {
// Max Idle Time in seconds before logout. Default 7200 (2 hours):
$timeout = 7200;
//Version tags
$v_major = ‘3’;
$v_minor = ‘1’;
$v_patch = ‘0’;
$tag = ‘’; // minor revision number, should be empty for production releases
// This name appears on the login page and in the title bar of most windows.
// It’s nice to customize this to be the name of your clinic.
$openemr_name = ‘OpenEMR’;
$openemr_version = “$v_major.$v_minor.$v_patch”.$tag; // Version tag used by program
$rootdir = $GLOBALS;
$srcdir = $GLOBALS;
$login_screen = $GLOBALS;
$GLOBALS = $css_header;
$GLOBALS = $backpic;
$GLOBALS = $rootdir;
// change these to reflect when the daily view should start to display times
// as well as it should end. ex schedule_start = 9 schedule_end = 17
// start end times in hours
$GLOBALS = 17;
// This is the time granularity of the calendar and the smallest interval
// in minutes for an appointment slot:
$GLOBALS = 15;
// Include the authentication module code here, but the rule is
// if the file has the word “login” in the source code file name,
// don’t include the authentication module - we do this to avoid
// include loops.
if (!$ignoreAuth) {
// If you do not want your accounting system to have a customer added to it
// for each insurance company, then set this to true. SQL-Ledger currently
// (2005-03-21) does nothing useful with insurance companies as customers.
$GLOBALS = true;
// If OpenEMR is being used by an athletic team rather than in a traditional
// clinical setting, set this to true.
$GLOBALS = false;
// True if this is a weight loss clinic:
$GLOBALS = false;
// The telephone country code of this installation. 1 = USA.
// See for a list.
$GLOBALS = ‘1’;
// This determines how appointments display on the calendar:
// 1 = lastname; 2 = last,first; 3 = last,first(title);
// 4 = last,first(title: description)
// Make this true if you want providers to see all appointments by default
// and not just their own.
$GLOBALS = false;
// Set this to true if you want the drug database and support for in-house
// prescription dispensing.
$GLOBALS = false;
// Make this nonzero if you want the ability to sell products other than
// prescription drugs. Also requires inhouse_pharmacy to be true.
// This allows selection of products from the Fee Sheet.
// Set this to 2 if you want a simplified interface (no templates, no
// prescription drugs), otherwise to 1.
// True to omit insurance and some other things from the demographics form:
$GLOBALS = false;
// True to omit form, route and interval which then become part of dosage:
$GLOBALS = false;
// True to omit method of payment from the copay panel:
$GLOBALS = false;
// You may put text here as the default complaint in the New Patient form:
$GLOBALS = ‘’;
// This was added for sports teams needing to fill out injury forms, but might
// have other applications.
$GLOBALS = ‘’;
// If you want a new encounter to be automatically created when appointment
// status is set to “@” (arrived), then make this true.
$GLOBALS = true;
// If you don’t want employer information, country, title in patient demographics.
$GLOBALS = false;
// This is for insurance billing and is specific to Medicare. Make it true
// to force the referring provider to be the same as the rendering provider,
// instead of coming from the patient demographics.
$GLOBALS = false;
// You can set this to the category name of a document to link to from the
// patient summary page. Normally this is the category for insurance cards.
// This lets you click on the patient’s name to see their ID card.
$GLOBALS = ‘’;
// Traditionally OpenEMR has allowed creation of user groups (not the same
// as access control groups). However this has never done anything very
// useful and creates confusion. Make this false if you really want it.
$GLOBALS = true;
// These are flags for some installation-specific customizations for which
// we have not yet figured out better parameters.
$GLOBALS = false;
$GLOBALS = false;
// True to support discounts in the Checkout form by dollars instead of percentage.
$GLOBALS = false;
// Set this to false if you want the doctors to be prompted to authorize
// patient notes created by others.
$GLOBALS = true;
// This turns on the option of creating a new patient using the complete
// layout of the demographics form as well as a built-in search feature.
// Everyone should want this, but for now it’s optional.
$GLOBALS = true;
// Multi-facility Configuration
// Restrict non-authorized users to the “Schedule Facilities” (aka user_facilities table)
// set in User admin.
$GLOBALS = false;
// Set a facility cookie, so browser keeps a default selected facility between logins.
$GLOBALS = false;
// This can be used to enable the old Charges panel for entering billing
// codes and payments. It is not recommended, as it was obsoleted by the
// Fee Sheet which is more complete and comprehensive.
$GLOBALS = true;
// If you want Hylafax support then uncomment and customize the following
// statements, and also customize custom/faxcover.txt:
// $GLOBALS = ‘localhost’;
// $GLOBALS = ‘/var/spool/fax’;
// $GLOBALS = ‘enscript -M Letter -B -e^ -margins=36:36:36:36’;
// For scanner support, uncomment and customize the following. This is
// the directory in which scanned-in documents may be found, and may for
// example be a smbfs-mounted share from the PC supporting the scanner:
// $GLOBALS = ‘/mnt/scan_docs’;
// Customize these if you are using SQL-Ledger with OpenEMR, or if you are
// going to run sl_convert.php to convert from SQL-Ledger.
$sl_cash_acc = ‘1060’; // sql-ledger account number for checking account
$sl_ar_acc = ‘1200’; // sql-ledger account number for accounts receivable
$sl_income_acc = ‘4320’; // sql-ledger account number for medical services income
$sl_services_id = ‘MS’; // sql-ledger parts table id for medical services
$sl_dbname = ‘sql-ledger’; // sql-ledger database name
$sl_dbuser = ‘sql-ledger’; // sql-ledger database login name
$sl_dbpass = ‘secret’; // sql-ledger database login password
// Don’t change anything below this line. ////////////////////////////
$encounter = empty($_SESSION) ? 0 : $_SESSION;
if (!empty($_GET) && empty($_SESSION)) {
elseif (!empty($_POST) && empty($_SESSION)) {
$pid = empty($_SESSION) ? 0 : $_SESSION;
$userauthorized = empty($_SESSION) ? 0 : $_SESSION;
$groupname = empty($_SESSION) ? 0 : $_SESSION;
// global interface function to format text length using ellipses
function strterm($string,$length) {
if (strlen($string) >= ($length-3)) {
return substr($string,0,$length-3) . “…”;
} else {
return $string;
// turn off PHP compatibility warnings
//settings for cronjob