New XML Forms

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, February 08, 2012:

hi all
Have coded two new xml forms:
1. History Form
2. Follow up form

You can get the full forms directory directly from here in ZIP and TAR format :

Github Link: (only the xml file - to be coded with xmlformgen)

History Form:

Follow Up form:

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, February 08, 2012:

Committed the xml files to sourceforge.
thanks for the contribution,

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, January 25, 2013:

Correction in the History form…(Long due)…


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:

Hi arnabnaha,

Are these bug fixes or feature additions? They appear to be bug fixes with the change in case of Label and addition of a list, which seems like it should of been imported in first version (since that list is not in OpenEMR by default). I just want to confirm it’s a bug fix, then it makes sense to commit this as is. If it’s more of a feature add on, then would make more sense to make it a separate new form (otherwise if a user re-built the form via xmlformgen, then it wouldn’t be compatible with their old form).


arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:

These are bug fixes…about the lists, they were not present initially so added them…

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:


Just noted that another entry was added:
The Respondent entry and a corresponding list

I’m note sure what to do here. The issue I see arising is that if a user created a form before this using this script, and then decides to re-create the form (perhaps to use more updated code) they will no longer be compatible. The new form will have an entry in it the previous forms didn’t (so, when a user prints them out, there will be a new blank entry there that never existed before). Also, at some point in time, there will likely be a process to run these forms directly from xml script (ie. no need to create the php files). Does anybody have any thoughts here? I’d hate to force the creation of a new history_form just to add one new item entry.


arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:

should I revert back those two list things??

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:


For not, I’d just remove the Respondent entry only. The other list Relationship_list should stay because it is fixing a bug.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:

Meant to say “for now” , not “for not”

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2013:


Completely disregard. my blabbering. It looks like the respondent entry was already there previously, so the lists are fine. I will commit it as is to sourceforge.
