New Wiki Article on ICD-10 Transition

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, August 26, 2015:

Configure OpenEMR for ICD-10 is a hot off the press compilation of things to know in preparation for the transition.

Very well done, Harley.

I would like to make 3 suggestions.

In the section about ICD-9 to ICD-10 crosswalk,

Make a list of the desired ICD-9 codes and go to one of the websites where you can look up their ICD-10 equivalents; a few links are provided in References and Resources below.

it may be easier for the reader to have the link to the little converter or any other converter in the above sentence rather in the last section because most users are not acquainted with running a SQL query. A query is a bit more laborious if the user only needs a cheat sheet.

This is a more direct link to the AAPC converter. Had to hunt around for a few seconds to get to it with the other link.

A number of users submit multiple diagnoses, therefore the reader should be alerted to the fact that they must add qualifiers as noted in this post.

Thank you for this timely contribution.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, August 26, 2015:

Suggestion # 4
Occasionally when e-claims fail & paper need to be submitted, the must be tweaked to have enough space for 8 characters. See attachment.

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 26, 2015:

Here’s the link to the pull request that fixes the length issue… not sure if it’s been merged yet

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 26, 2015:

There is a code submission for in the queue …
not sure if it’s been pulled in yet.

Tony McCormick, CTO

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On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 11:57 AM, fsgl wrote:

Suggestion # 4
Occasionally when e-claims fail & paper need to be submitted, the must be tweaked to have enough space for 8
characters. See attachment.


New Wiki Article on ICD-10 Transition

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bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 27, 2015:


Regarding the length issue, the author closed the github item, so unclear whether should be reviewed (I requested a clarification). This fix looks like it’s ICD10 specific and should also get into the next patch before ICD10 becomes official (by 10/1/15). Also, will this fix break ICD9 or will it also work with ICD9?


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 27, 2015:

Got the answers on github from Jerry. Just committed this to the codebase.

harleytuck wrote on Thursday, August 27, 2015:

I’m grateful for your feedback, fsgl. I’ll get that in the page ASAP.
Best regards- Harley

fsgl wrote on Thursday, August 27, 2015:

Keep up the splendid work!

We look forward to more articles from your “pen”.

harleytuck wrote on Thursday, August 27, 2015:

As far as User Docs go, seems safest to just remind everybody to patch after the end of August. Especially if one more ICD-10 oriented patch is coming for the many 4.1.2 users?

  • HT

fsgl wrote on Saturday, August 29, 2015:

Because ICD-10 patch will only apply to 4.2.0, better to upgrade now then patch later.

Get this done now to ensure smoother transition come 1st of October.

4.2.0 has new features not available in 4.1.2