bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 06, 2011:
Here’s the new list of 356 translation constants just added to the spreadsheet. Please use this thread for reply’s:
ADDED: A distributor is required
ADDED: A lot number is required
ADDED: A referral source may be specified for each visit.
ADDED: Activate CCR/CCD Reporting
ADDED: Address book entry for the distributor
ADDED: Adj Amount
ADDED: Age Range
ADDED: Allergy Reaction
ADDED: Allocate
ADDED: Allowed©
ADDED: Amharic
ADDED: and modifier
ADDED: and processed.
ADDED: and the Reason is
ADDED: Apply the changes to the Current event only, to this and all Future occurrences, or to All occurrences?
ADDED: ATNA audit CA certificate
ADDED: ATNA audit host
ADDED: ATNA audit local certificate
ADDED: ATNA audit port
ADDED: Audit Logging Backups
ADDED: Audit Logging Miscellaneous
ADDED: Audit Logging Order
ADDED: Audit Logging Patient Record
ADDED: Audit Logging Scheduling
ADDED: Audit Logging Security Administration
ADDED: Audit Logging SELECT Query
ADDED: Batch Payment Entry
ADDED: Billing Manager
ADDED: Billing Status = Unbilled
ADDED: but not yet processed.
ADDED: CA Certificate for verifying the RFC 5425 TLS syslog server.
ADDED: Calendar Screen
ADDED: Cancel Changes
ADDED: Cannot find a destination filename
ADDED: Cannot Modify Payments.Undistributed is Negative.
ADDED: Cannot Post for Insurance.The Paying Entity selected is Patient.
ADDED: Cannot Post for Patient.The Paying Entity selected is Insurance.
ADDED: Cannot Post Payments.Undistributed is Negative.
ADDED: Cannot read directory
ADDED: Certificate to send to RFC 5425 TLS syslog server.
ADDED: Charge adjustment
ADDED: Check Amount
ADDED: Check Date
ADDED: Check Lab Results
ADDED: Checked
ADDED: Choose Criteria
ADDED: Clearing house info required for EDI 270 batch creation.
ADDED: Click here to view and graph
ADDED: Click here to view patient details
ADDED: Click To Select
ADDED: Click to select or change service codes
ADDED: Clinical
ADDED: Clinical Reports
ADDED: Code Text
ADDED: Coinsurance
ADDED: Comment
ADDED: Company
ADDED: Confirm Payment
ADDED: Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
ADDED: Continuity of Care Record (CCR)
ADDED: Control ID
ADDED: Country list
ADDED: Create batch
ADDED: Criteria
ADDED: Current Alcohol
ADDED: Current Criteria
ADDED: Current every day smoker
ADDED: Current Recreational Drugs
ADDED: Current some day smoker
ADDED: Date Cannot be greater than Today
ADDED: Date Master Criteria
ADDED: Date of Service = Today
ADDED: Date values Cannot be Blank.
ADDED: Deductible
ADDED: Deductible Met
ADDED: Default Setting
ADDED: Delete Row
ADDED: Deposit Date
ADDED: Deposit Date Cannot be greater than Today
ADDED: Destination Filename
ADDED: Diagnosis Date
ADDED: Diagnosis Name
ADDED: Diagnosis Report
ADDED: Diagnosis Title
ADDED: Director Name
ADDED: Distributions
ADDED: Distributor
ADDED: Do you want to remove this record?
ADDED: Document ID
ADDED: EDI-271 File Upload
ADDED: EDI-271 Response File Upload
ADDED: Edit File in
ADDED: Edit Payment
ADDED: Edit User Settings
ADDED: Eligibility 270 Inquiry Batch
ADDED: Eligibility Response
ADDED: Enable ATNA Auditing
ADDED: Enable Audit Logging
ADDED: Enable Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA).
ADDED: Enable Hylafax Support
ADDED: Enable Lab Exchange
ADDED: Enable logging of all SQL SELECT queries.
ADDED: Enable logging of backup related activities.
ADDED: Enable logging of miscellaneous activities.
ADDED: Enable logging of ordering activities.
ADDED: Enable logging of patient record modifications.
ADDED: Enable logging of scheduling activities.
ADDED: Enable logging of security and administration activities.
ADDED: Enable Scanner Support
ADDED: Enable the OpenEMR Support LLC Lab Exchange Service.
ADDED: Encnter
ADDED: Encounter History
ADDED: Encounter ID
ADDED: Encounter Summary
ADDED: Enscript command used by Hylafax.
ADDED: ERA Posting
ADDED: Error retrieving results from Lab Exchange Network
ADDED: Ethnicity
ADDED: External Id
ADDED: Facility Name
ADDED: Family Payment
ADDED: File management
ADDED: Files
ADDED: Fill any of the Below Row.
ADDED: Fill the Row.
ADDED: Financial Close Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
ADDED: Finish Payments
ADDED: Follow Up
ADDED: Follow Up Reason
ADDED: For code
ADDED: Force Billing Widget Open
ADDED: Format used to display most times.
ADDED: Formatted Report
ADDED: Former smoker
ADDED: From Date Cannot be Greater than To Date.
ADDED: Fully Paid
ADDED: Graphable
ADDED: Group Payment
ADDED: Hispanic or Latino
ADDED: History Date
ADDED: Https link for the OpenEMR Support LLC Lab Exchange Service.
ADDED: Hylafax Directory
ADDED: Hylafax Enscript Command
ADDED: Hylafax Server
ADDED: Hylafax server hostname.
ADDED: if entered, select only those who have had this service
ADDED: Ins Code
ADDED: Instruction
ADDED: Insurance Comp
ADDED: Insurance Payment
ADDED: Inventory Transactions
ADDED: Lab Exchange Site Address
ADDED: Lab Exchange Site ID
ADDED: Lab Exchange Token ID
ADDED: Lab Query Status
ADDED: Lab Result
ADDED: Lab Results Report
ADDED: Last Calendar Year
ADDED: Last Month
ADDED: Last Verified On
ADDED: List used by above Country Data Type option.
ADDED: List used by above State Data Type option.
ADDED: Listening port of the RFC 5425 TLS syslog server.
ADDED: Location where Hylafax stores faxes.
ADDED: Location where scans are stored.
ADDED: Main Top Pane Screen
ADDED: Medical History
ADDED: Modify Payments
ADDED: Most recent from
ADDED: Navigation menu consists of pairs of radio buttons
ADDED: Navigation menu is a tree view
ADDED: Navigation uses a sliding menu
ADDED: Never Alcohol
ADDED: Never smoker
ADDED: New Encounter
ADDED: New Payment
ADDED: New results from Lab Exchange
ADDED: No adjustment reason type found for
ADDED: No errors found
ADDED: No Issues
ADDED: No new results found
ADDED: No records found
ADDED: No Result Found, for the above search criteria.
ADDED: Non Paid
ADDED: None have been documented
ADDED: None of the Top Distribution Row Can be Completly Blank.
ADDED: Not Allowed to Edit
ADDED: Not allowed to remove this user from the Administrators group
ADDED: Not Checked
ADDED: Not Hispanic or Latino
ADDED: Not Specified.
ADDED: Note that Audit Logging needs to be enabled above
ADDED: Number of past history columns
ADDED: Old style layout with no left menu
ADDED: Open Today`s Visit
ADDED: Optional category name for an ID Card image that can be viewed from the patient summary page.
ADDED: Optional category name for photo images that can be viewed from the patient summary page.
ADDED: Other pt resp
ADDED: Past Encounter List
ADDED: Patient Lookup Errors
ADDED: Patient Photo Category Name
ADDED: Patient Search/Add Screen
ADDED: Pay Status
ADDED: Payee Name
ADDED: Paying Entity
ADDED: Payment Adjustment Code
ADDED: Payment Amount
ADDED: Payment Amount must be Numeric
ADDED: Payment Category
ADDED: Payment From
ADDED: Payment Ins
ADDED: Payment List
ADDED: Payment Sort By
ADDED: Payment Status
ADDED: Payment Type
ADDED: Performing Laboratory Facility
ADDED: Photos
ADDED: Please Choose a file
ADDED: Please choose date range criteria above, and click Refresh to view results.
ADDED: Please choose the proper formatted EDI-271 file
ADDED: Please Fill the Check Number
ADDED: Please Fill the Date
ADDED: Please Fill the Payment Amount
ADDED: Please Fill the Payment Category
ADDED: Please Fill the Payment From
ADDED: Please Fill the Post To Date
ADDED: Please Select a Patient.
ADDED: Please select any Search Option.
ADDED: Please Select the Payment Method
ADDED: Please select X12 partner, required to create the 270 batch
ADDED: Policy No
ADDED: Polish
ADDED: Post For
ADDED: Post Payments
ADDED: Post To Date
ADDED: Post To Date Cannot be greater than Today
ADDED: Post To Date Must be greater than the Financial Close Date.
ADDED: Pre Payment
ADDED: Preferences
ADDED: Prescription Report
ADDED: Problem DX
ADDED: Procedure Report
ADDED: Provider Matching Errors
ADDED: Purchase/Return
ADDED: Quit Alcohol
ADDED: Race and Ethnicity
ADDED: Raw Report
ADDED: Reaction
ADDED: Record of Fitness
ADDED: Referral Source for Encounters
ADDED: Remdr
ADDED: Report - Clinical
ADDED: Required Field Missing: Please choose the EDI-271 file to upload
ADDED: Result, use % as a wildcard
ADDED: Scanner Directory
ADDED: Search Payment
ADDED: select
ADDED: Select Criteria to Remove
ADDED: Select EDI-271 file
ADDED: Select Insurance, by typing
ADDED: Selected
ADDED: Service Code
ADDED: Service Codes
ADDED: Session Type
ADDED: Set to Default
ADDED: Show All Transactions
ADDED: Show Available Times
ADDED: Show Graph
ADDED: Show Primary Complete
ADDED: Show the custom state form for the add list widget (will ask for title and abbreviation).
ADDED: Site ID for the OpenEMR Support LLC Lab Exchange Service.
ADDED: Smoker, current status unknown
ADDED: Smoking Status
ADDED: Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file
ADDED: Sort By
ADDED: Sort Result by
ADDED: Source File
ADDED: Specifies formatting for codes. # = digit, @ = alpha, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: Specifies formatting for invoice reference numbers. # = digit, @ = alpha, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: Specifies formatting for product NDC fields. # = digit, @ = alpha, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: Specifies formatting for the external patient ID. # = digit, @ = alpha, * = any character. Empty if not used.
ADDED: Srv Date
ADDED: Standard Name
ADDED: State list
ADDED: State List Widget Custom Fields
ADDED: Success retrieving results from Lab Exchange Network
ADDED: Successfully Deleted
ADDED: Successfully Modified
ADDED: Successfully Saved.Would you like to Allocate?
ADDED: Successfully Saved.Would you like to Distribute?
ADDED: Summary of
ADDED: Take Insurance, from Drop Down
ADDED: Take Payment From, from Drop Down
ADDED: Takeback
ADDED: Team/Squad
ADDED: the Denial code is
ADDED: the Denial Group code is
ADDED: The following EDI file has been uploaded
ADDED: The hostname of the ATNA audit repository machine.
ADDED: The payments posted cannot go below this date.This ensures that after taking the final report nobody post for previous dates.
ADDED: This Calendar Year
ADDED: This claim has been denied.Reason:-
ADDED: This claim has been forwarded to next level.
ADDED: This Month to Date
ADDED: This Week to Date
ADDED: This will activate the CCR(Continuity of Care Record) and CCD(Continuity of Care Document) reporting.
ADDED: This will force the Billing Widget in the Patient Summary screen to always be open.
ADDED: Time Display Format
ADDED: Token ID for the OpenEMR Support LLC Lab Exchange Service.
ADDED: Total Distribution for following check number is not full
ADDED: Type Id or Name.3 characters minimum (including spaces).
ADDED: Unable to create
ADDED: Unapplied
ADDED: Undistributed
ADDED: Undistributed is
ADDED: Unknown if ever smoked
ADDED: Upload Image to
ADDED: Use Delete Option to Remove.
ADDED: Use source filename
ADDED: User Settings
ADDED: User Specific Setting
ADDED: Value Should be Numeric
ADDED: Warning
ADDED: Warning, Check Number already exist in the database
ADDED: was already uploaded
ADDED: Would you like the balance amount to apply to Global Account?
ADDED: Would You Like them to be Marked as Cleared.
ADDED: Would you like to Allocate?
ADDED: Would you like to Cancel Distribution for this Patient?
ADDED: Would you like to Delete Payment Distribution?
ADDED: Would you like to Delete Payments?
ADDED: Would you like to Modify and Finish Payments?
ADDED: Would you like to Modify Payments?
ADDED: Would you like to Post and Finish Payments?
ADDED: Would you like to Post Payments?
ADDED: Would you like to save?
ADDED: You may only upload .txt files
ADDED: You must select a visit category
ADDED: Your file is too large
ADDED: 0-24
ADDED: 12 hr
ADDED: 24 hr
ADDED: 25+