bradymiller wrote on Saturday, October 24, 2009:
Here’s a list of new translation constants just added today to the language spreadsheet. If you have any comments, leave them in this thread:
ADDED: A GCAC visit form should be added to this visit.
ADDED: Amount Charges
ADDED: Applying
ADDED: Change In Vision
ADDED: Checkbox list
ADDED: Checkbox w/text
ADDED: Copay not positive
ADDED: Create and download a full backup
ADDED: Create Backup
ADDED: Creating export file
ADDED: Date Of Signature
ADDED: Date/Appt
ADDED: Doctor
ADDED: Done. Will now send download.
ADDED: Download configuration data
ADDED: Export Configuration
ADDED: External
ADDED: External Only
ADDED: External Referral Followups
ADDED: Fee is not allowed
ADDED: Fee Sheet Options
ADDED: File to upload
ADDED: GCAC visit form is missing
ADDED: Global ID
ADDED: Heat Or Cold
ADDED: Import Configuration
ADDED: Internal error accessing uploaded file!
ADDED: Internal Identifier (pid)
ADDED: List box
ADDED: List box w/add
ADDED: Misc Billing Options
ADDED: Misc Billing Options for HCFA-1500
ADDED: Missing Fee
ADDED: Musc Aches
ADDED: Musc Swelling
ADDED: Needs Auth
ADDED: Needs Justify
ADDED: No items were selected!
ADDED: No results, please try again.
ADDED: No visit
ADDED: Not billed
ADDED: Not checked out
ADDED: Omit internal users?
ADDED: Online Support
ADDED: Original
ADDED: otherwise you will destroy references to/from existing data.
ADDED: payment entered on
ADDED: Please choose a valid selection.
ADDED: Portuguese (European)
ADDED: Prices
ADDED: Printed
ADDED: Radio buttons
ADDED: Select the configuration items to export
ADDED: Supervising
ADDED: Text-date
ADDED: Textarea
ADDED: Textbox
ADDED: Textbox list
ADDED: Translations
ADDED: Units must be a number
ADDED: Upload configuration data
ADDED: Upload failed!
ADDED: Use this feature only with newly installed sites,
ADDED: User Manual
ADDED: Visit Forms
ADDED: WARNING: This will overwrite configuration information with data from the uploaded file!