shawnmiller77 wrote on Monday, February 01, 2010:
Hello Everyone,
We just brought a practice live on OpenEMR v3.1.0 about 5 weeks ago and have some questions that we need some help on.
1. On the fee sheet I need to be able to tell whether the COPAY was cash, check or charge. Right now we only have the capability to choose cash. I looked in the “lists” under admin and did not see any place to add or change this.
2. On the reports menu their is a “Front Office Receipt Report”. We want to use this as our daily report so our front desk people can balance at the end of the day. When we run this report we do not get any totals. Is this the report we need to be running at the end of the day or is their another one we should use.
3. In the Insurance information screen on the patient demographics menu their is a place to put a COPAY. Can you put a percentage in this field? We have some insurance carriers that only request a percentage of the COPAY not a dollar amount.
4. We are currently transmitting claims with Zirmed. So far so good, just waiting for checks to come in. Once we receive payments from the carrier how do we generate statements?
5. Does OpenEMR have a collections module? Is their a way to mark a patient active or inactve once they have been sent to collections? Can you sort the collections report by Patient ID #?
6. Where can you view a report for a patient’s account summary? We need this if a patient calls in about their account.
7. What is the easiest way to build new reports in the system?
8. Is their any knid of template/form editor to help bulid new EMR templates or forms?
I think this is all for now. So far the system has been great for us.
Thanks to all of the developers out there for making this system so easy.