New Practice Live Today - Few Questions

shawnmiller77 wrote on Monday, January 11, 2010:

Brought a practice live today on version 3.1.0.  So far everything is running great!  I have run into a few issues that I am not sure about.  Any help is greatly apprectiated.

1.  On the “List Prescriptions” screen the “Medicine Units” are not displaying on the screen.  Only the “mg” is showing.  Funny this is when I print out the prescription the “Medicine Units” show on the .PDF document.

2.  How are referring physicians tracked?  I need to be able to add a referring physician to a patient’s demographics so we can track where referrals are coming from.

3.  How can you modify the appointment report?  I need to be able to add the patient’s phone number and insurance carrier to this report.

4.  Medication from another provider.  How is this information supposed to be entered.  For right now I have created another provider on the system called “Other Provider”.  When the nurses are entering the patient’s list of medicaition they are selecting the “Other Provider” option in the medication list.  This way it does not look like our primary provider prescribed the meds.

I think this is all for now. 

Just to let eveyone out thee know, I have work with most of the big players for EMR systems out there (NextGen, Allscripts, etc….)  this is by far the easiest system we have ever brought a practice up live on!

Thanks to all of the developers


tmccormi wrote on Monday, January 11, 2010:

Hi and welcome!

Regarding #1 - that is a known bug and we have someone working on it, it will likely be fixed this week. Bug# 2907826

#2 You can add referring physician information to the global Address Book.  Make sure you have something in the NPI ID field and they will show up as a selection in the Demographics page under Choices->Provider, I usually change the label to be Referring Provider to make it clear.

#3 Appt report mods is a programmer job….

#4 Medication History is added in the Issues list, there is a section for recording all medications there.


jpmd wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2010:

#3  We have created this for our clients and will contribute a modification to this report in the next couple of days.  The new report has a facility drop down, appointment category drop down, and provider drop down.  New colums for phone nubmer and insurance have been added.  You will also hav the ability to change the font size of the screen display.  This may not be compatible with the new reports layout in 3.3  but I will need to discuss this with our developers.

Jude A. Pierre, MD
Phyaura, LLC