New Install 3.2 showing ver 2.9 and old layou

drjccaldwell wrote on Saturday, July 17, 2010:

Recently moved old OpenEMR 3.01 from an old server to a new one using  restore script. New system on Ubuntu Server 10.1.

Current log in screen says I am running ver. 2.9 and once logged in all I see is the old layout in the left pane. The forms, layout and all the other goodies of 3.2 seem to be working ok. How do I make sure everything is at the 3.2 level?
I have attempted to upgrade by downloading 3.2 deb file and when I install it (dpkg) it states that it cannot because I am already running 3.2.

What config changes do I need to make.
This is strange behaviour.

tmccormi wrote on Sunday, July 18, 2010:

Very likely you are running 3.2 just fine, you are however using the original globals.php and it’s configurations.  The globals.php has the version # hard coded.   Easy to change, but you should compare the globals.php that is in 3.2 with yours and move your configs over to the newer version of that file.

anonymous wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:

Thanks I’ll check that.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:


Not clear how you “upgraded”???

On ubuntu, easiest way is to copy your files to the /var/www/openemr directory, migrate the openemr mysql database to ubuntu (ensure the library/sqlconf.php settings are correct), and then run the ubuntu 3.2 package (it will auto-upgrade from 3.01 to 3.2). If you do this correctly, then can easily upgrade with future versions also.

You may need to wipe your ubuntu system (ie. remove the openemr ubuntu package and drop openemr database and remove /var/www/openemr directory), then recopy your 3.01 stuff, and then install the openemr ubuntu 3.2 package.

It’s well worth having this set up correctly to make upgrades easier in the future.


drjccaldwell wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

Thanks. The bottom line is that I believe I am going to do just as you mention brady. Now having issues with the calendar. This is what I did:

Old Box:
OpenEMR 3.01

Ran Back up script got   emr_backup.tar and two other files one for the directory tree and one for the mysql tables (can’t remember the file names.)

New Box:
Installed OpenEMR to Ubuntu 10.1 Server
Copied emr_backup.tar to new box
Ran  restore script.

Will try the correct way after the purge you mentioned. Only question is how do I copy the files without getting all sorts of different version files some from 3.01 and some from 3.2?
Copy the whole directory tree?
Can I use the 3.01 back script to make the copies?


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:


The new database “shell” created by 3.2 will not be compatible with your older database (because of character set issues). But this is easy to deal with. Do the following step in this order:
1. Run back up script
2. Copy your back up AND the actual restore script from your openemr 3.01 version to ubuntu
3. Run the restore script (again, the one from your previous version), and at the script prompt place openemr at /var/www/openemr/ )
4. Download and run the ubuntu-3.2 openemr package


drjccaldwell wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

Bless you.
Thank you.