New 5.0.1(5) patch breaks OpenEMR?

After installing patch 5.0.1(5):

Here is what I see when I browse to :

Index of /patch
[ICO] Name Last modified Size Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory -
[ ] 2018-08-18 22:37 310K
[ ] 2018-08-18 22:37 503K
[ ] 2018-08-18 22:37 522K
[ ] 2018-08-18 22:37 527K
[ ] 2018-08-18 22:37 589K

hi @Ralf_Lukner ,

To clarify, are you looking at this?


No. That’s what I get when I try to access OpenEMR to log into it. It’s like the patch redirects to the patch directory.

I was able to reproduce the strange redirect after applying the patch when I patched a lightsail instance with patch 5 for 5.0.1


That is very weird to redirect to the openemr website patch directory. Did not happen on my testing. Are you able to go into your docker and do a:
ls -al


While you are in there, check out the php error log:
cat /var/log/apache2/error.log

What do you mean by:

Are you able to go into your docker and do a:
ls -al

to go into your docker, do:
docker exec -it 4024c1cd642a sh

Then, while in there do(this will show filed/dir in your main openemr directory):
ls -al

Yes …

root@ip-10-0-1-83:~# docker exec -it 4024c1cd642a sh
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr # ls -al
total 548
dr-x------ 59 apache root 4096 Aug 19 01:48 .
drwxr-sr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 …
-r-------- 1 apache root 567 Apr 28 17:19 .bowerrc
-r-------- 1 apache root 129 Apr 28 17:19 .editorconfig
-r-------- 1 apache root 80 Apr 28 17:19 .env.example
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 .github

Can you show the entire output you get when do the ‘ls -al’

/var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr # ls -al
total 548
dr-x------ 59 apache root 4096 Aug 19 01:48 .
drwxr-sr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 …
-r-------- 1 apache root 567 Apr 28 17:19 .bowerrc
-r-------- 1 apache root 129 Apr 28 17:19 .editorconfig
-r-------- 1 apache root 80 Apr 28 17:19 .env.example
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 .github
-r-------- 1 apache root 35 Apr 28 17:19 .gitignore
-r-------- 1 apache root 173 Apr 28 17:19 .travis.yml
-r-------- 1 apache root 5526 Apr 28 17:19
-r-------- 1 apache root 2876 Apr 28 17:19
dr-x------ 6 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 Documentation
-r-------- 1 apache root 35147 Apr 28 17:19 LICENSE
-r-------- 1 apache root 3356 Apr 28 17:19
-r-------- 1 apache root 20701 Apr 28 17:19 acknowledge_license_cert.html
-r-------- 1 apache root 4988 Apr 28 17:19 admin.php
-r-------- 1 root root 5602 Apr 23 09:39
-r-------- 1 apache root 3805 Apr 28 17:19 bower.json
-r-------- 1 apache root 6102 Apr 28 17:19 build.xml
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 ccdaservice
dr-x------ 6 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 ccr
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 ci
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 cloud
dr-x------ 12 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 common
-r-------- 1 apache root 3301 Apr 28 17:19 composer.json
-r-------- 1 apache root 265675 Apr 28 17:19 composer.lock
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 config
dr-x------ 20 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 contrib
-r-------- 1 apache root 108 Apr 28 17:19 controller.php
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 controllers
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 custom
-r-------- 1 apache root 3995 Aug 6 00:17 docker-compose.yml
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 entities
dr-x------ 14 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:42 gacl
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 images
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 11008 Aug 19 01:48 index.html
-r-------- 1 apache root 901 Apr 28 17:19 index.php
dr-x------ 62 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 interface
dr-x------ 48 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 library
dr-x------ 4 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 modules
dr-x------ 4 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 myportal
dr-x------ 6 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 patients
dr-x------ 10 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 phpfhir
dr-x------ 18 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 portal
dr-x------ 8 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 public
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 repositories
-rwx------ 1 root root 318 Apr 23 09:39
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 services
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 135 Aug 6 00:17 setup.php
dr-x------ 3 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 sites
dr-x------ 2 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 sql
dr-x------ 28 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 templates
dr-x------ 8 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 tests
dr-x------ 66 apache root 4096 Jun 3 20:40 vendor
-r-------- 1 apache root 2119 Aug 6 00:17 version.php

ok, now what do you see with:
cat version.php

<?php /** * Software version identification. * * @link * @license GNU General Public License 3 * @author Robert Down */ // Software version identification. // This is used for display purposes, and also the major/minor/patch // numbers are stored in the database and used to determine which sql // upgrade file is the starting point for the next upgrade. $v_major = '5'; $v_minor = '0'; $v_patch = '1'; $v_tag = ''; // minor revision number, should be empty for production releases // A real patch identifier. This is incremented when we release a patch for a // production release. Note the above $v_patch variable is a misnomer and actually // stores release version information. $v_realpatch = '4'; // Database version identifier, this is to be incremented whenever there // is a database change in the course of development. It is used // internally to determine when a database upgrade is needed. // $v_database = 253; // Access control version identifier, this is to be incremented whenever there // is a access control change in the course of development. It is used // during installation to determine what the installed version of the access // controls is (subsequently the acl_upgrade.php script then is used to // upgrade and track this value) // $v_acl = 8; //Offsite Portal SOAP functions version, which are at myportal directory. $v_offsite_portal='1.47'; // Version for JavaScript and stylesheet includes. Increment whenever a .js or .css file changes. // Also whenever you change a .js or .css file, make sure that all URLs referencing it // end with "?v=$v_js_includes". Search the code for examples of doing this. // All this is to keep browsers from using an older cached version. // Need to assign it as a global below to work in template scripts. if (getenv('OPENEMR__ENVIRONMENT') === 'dev') { $v_js_includes = md5(microtime()); } else { // Change this number when bumping $v_js_includes = 41; } // Do note modify below $GLOBALS['v_js_includes'] = $v_js_includes;

The $v_realpatch is not yet 5, so the patch did not unzip.

One last cat. What do you see for:
cat index.php

let me look at what the lightsail instance showed.

While you are in this docker, try:

/var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr # unzip
replace version.php? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:

btw, I think I see the issue here. That index.html file should not be there. What do you see with:
cat index.html

For the above, give a A for All

inflating: version.php
inflating: contrib/util/ubuntu_package_scripts/production/control-php5
inflating: contrib/util/ubuntu_package_scripts/production/changelog.Debian
inflating: contrib/util/ubuntu_package_scripts/production/README.Debian
inflating: contrib/util/ubuntu_package_scripts/production/control-php7
inflating: contrib/util/ubuntu_package_scripts/production/copyright
inflating: contrib/util/express.php
inflating: contrib/util/docker/
inflating: patients/add_edit_event_user.php
inflating: patients/find_appt_popup_user.php
inflating: templates/documents/general_list.html
inflating: templates/documents/general_view.html
inflating: portal/account/register.php
inflating: portal/account/account.php
inflating: portal/import_template.php
inflating: portal/lib/download_template.php
inflating: portal/lib/appsql.class.php
inflating: portal/add_edit_event_user.php
inflating: portal/import_template_ui.php
inflating: portal/index.php
inflating: portal/home.php
inflating: portal/find_appt_popup_user.php
inflating: portal/patient/_machine_config.php
inflating: portal/get_patient_info.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/letter.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/summary/pnotes_fragment.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/front_payment.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/history/encounters.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/encounter/search_code.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/encounter/diagnosis_full.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/encounter/forms.php
inflating: interface/patient_file/printed_fee_sheet.php
inflating: interface/patient_tracker/patient_tracker.php
inflating: interface/de_identification_forms/find_drug_popup.php
inflating: interface/de_identification_forms/de_identification_screen2.php
inflating: interface/de_identification_forms/find_immunization_popup.php
inflating: interface/de_identification_forms/find_code_popup.php
inflating: interface/usergroup/adminacl.php
inflating: interface/usergroup/addrbook_list.php
inflating: interface/usergroup/usergroup_admin_add.php
inflating: interface/usergroup/usergroup_admin.php
inflating: interface/billing/sl_eob_search.php
inflating: interface/modules/zend_modules/module/Carecoordination/src/Carecoordination/Model/EncounterccdadispatchTable.php
inflating: interface/modules/zend_modules/module/Carecoordination/src/Carecoordination/Controller/EncounterccdadispatchController.php
inflating: interface/super/edit_list.php
inflating: interface/super/manage_document_templates.php
inflating: interface/super/manage_site_files.php
inflating: interface/super/rules/library/RulesPlanMappingEventHandlers_ajax.php
inflating: interface/fax/fax_view.php
inflating: interface/fax/faxq.php
inflating: interface/fax/fax_dispatch.php
inflating: interface/forms/eye_mag/php/taskman_functions.php
inflating: interface/forms/eye_mag/taskman.php
inflating: interface/forms/newpatient/report.php
inflating: interface/forms/misc_billing_options/new.php
inflating: interface/globals.php
inflating: interface/login/login.php
inflating: interface/weno/validate.php
inflating: interface/weno/admin.php
inflating: interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pnuser.php
inflating: interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pntemplates/default/user/ajax_search.html
inflating: interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pnuserapi.php
inflating: interface/main/calendar/add_edit_event.php
inflating: interface/main/tabs/main.php
inflating: interface/main/tabs/js/patient_data_view_model.js
inflating: interface/main/main_screen.php
inflating: interface/main/backup.php
inflating: interface/main/daemon_frame.php
inflating: ccdaservice/serveccda.js
inflating: ccdaservice/ccda_gateway.php
inflating: ccdaservice/package.json
inflating: ccdaservice/
inflating: setup.php
inflating: library/dialog.js
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/ESign/js/jquery.esign.js
inflating: library/classes/CouchDB.class.php
inflating: library/classes/Installer.class.php
inflating: library/
inflating: library/tabs/src/TabsWrapper.php
inflating: library/MedEx/API.php
inflating: library/menu/src/MenuRole.php
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/
inflating: library/authentication/privDB.php
inflating: library/authentication/login_operations.php
inflating: library/
inflating: library/ajax/adminacl_ajax.php
inflating: library/ajax/addlistitem.php
inflating: sql_patch.php
inflating: docker-compose.yml
inflating: common/database/Connector.php