Need to update ICD 10 codes - Suggestions needed

I followed the instructions carefully and at the end I got the following message in the EMR trying to upload the data:

"Staged Releases

The number of staged files is incorrect. Only place the files that you wish to install/upgrade to.

Follow these instructions for installing or upgrading the following database: ICD10?"

Any ideas how to proceed?

Thank you so much for your time!


I receive an error when trying to install the icd-10-pcs codes, did anyone else have that issue?

pretty sure not many people install those, what’s the rest of the error msg?

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I have the same error any fixes ?

it’s a common part of openemr setup to allow a local data load, here’s a post describing the step

I checked its allowed in php.ini
this is error I get


Can I manually add to database ? Is there a procedure ?

you have to restart the service too

I’m on a shared server .How do I do that ?

maybe you can ask them for assistance?

It’s interesting that this is still a problem after all these years.
The ICD10 import utility did briefly work on some of the version 5 releases.
Now on Version 6.1, it’s broken again.

“The number of staged files is incorrect. Only place the files that you wish to install/upgrade to.”

There is of course only 1 ICD10 Code Description zip file in place. I have to say, as someone who’s been building and deploying OpenEMR installs in medical practices for over a decade now, it’s pretty dang embarrassing that we can’t get something as basic and fundamental as an ICD10 data load to work.

ETA: I went back and checked on a 6.0 test install, the ICD10 import works there. Apparently somebody decided to “upgrade” it for the 6.1 release.

need 2 files in there @Penguin8R

What if the practice doesn’t want the PCS codes?
(Since 99.9% of them will only ever need or use the CM codes)
I mean, I love OpenEMR, but let’s be realistic, it’s not being used in hospitals…

ICD10-PCS has to be activated in Admin->Forms->Lists->Code Types so the load just needs it’s zip file to the load the DX and PCS tables in case at some point someone would like to use the PCS.

So, am I understanding this correctly, we have to load both ICD10-CM and ICD10-PCS simultaneously, even though the ICD10-PCS will never be used? So then all future ICD10 updates will have to include both as well?
I will spin up another 6.1.1 install & test if that’s the case, just making sure we know what to expect.

I don’t recall us having to add that for FHIR support, but we may have needed it to handle the receiving of CCD-A imports when we are receiving a file that is referred to a clinical installation from a hospital.

We’ve had to add a lot more code set supports in order to meet ONC certification. There will be some additional code-sets that that will have to be executed for the 7.0 release. 6.1 was a stepping stone to the 7.0 ONC certified release so that’s possibly the problem you are running into.

As for things breaking, as volunteers we are trying to do the best we can, we’d love to have more development help as it sounds like you and your team have experience in this space. Feel free to help us fix some of these bugs :slight_smile:

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The code loader in 6.1.0 is broken.
One awkward workaround is to use a temporary installation of 6.0 to load the current CMS ICD-10 release, then dump the table and import it into the working 6.1.0 environment.

hi @Penguin8R , it’s working on the demos. You’re having an issue upgrading them?