Need to find a way to import patient data

I have the AWS Standard version running and I installed a phpmyadmin docker install ( to easily access the SQL tables.

I created 3 fake patient accounts and entered info into as many fields as I could (it doesn’t have to be all the fields, they’ll still get exported, it just gets confusing lining up the data to the correct field if you leave too many blank). Then I accessed patient_info via phpmyadmin and exported the table as a CSV file.

I probably used some extra steps here but regardless: I converted the CSV file to an Excel file and separated the semicolon delimited info into separate fields.

I then added my existing patient info to it so each data type matched each OER data column in the same order those fields were exported. Obviously a lot of them were left blank and had no info but it was pretty easy to figure out the rest.

Then I pasted it all into an openoffice calc spreadsheet and removed any formatting (sometimes formatting elements get attached to during the downloading and/or when adding existing patient info to the Excel spreadsheet that can foul up the import attempt). I also made sure to delete the 3 fake patients from the import file, or else the import would fail due to duplicate entries.

I imported the file and that was it - for demographic type information, anyway. Clinical data is as I understand it a different beast entirely, of which I have no real experience,

I ended up modifying the patient info fields fairly extensively (not deleting, but deactivating fields I didn’t need and adding a few, like a separate field for driver’s license issuing state etc.) so in hindsight it would have been a bit easier to do that first, then create the 3 fake patients, then export that csv file to add existing patient data to.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: the table is named patient_data not patient_info