Hello All,
I installed OpenEMR on my local machine without any problems. I installed on a virtual server and after a couple of minor glitches (Thanks Dr Bowen), seemed to be ok. However, I noticed that when I created a calendar ad tried to navigate - I was getting a “Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.” error. This is also happening when trying to Test the system, CLear Smarty Tags etc, Practice form is blank, SuperBill report doesn’t open,Billing screen is blank…
Anyway, bottom line is that I have tried to edit the permssions etc without success, copied the working version from my local server to remote server and nothing is helping…
I need some technical assistance and have emailed some of the commercial support companies on the OpenEMR site without response as yet. I would appreciate some guidance.
did you install from the tarbal or from cvs repo?
did you created and chowned the files the install screen asked you to do?
first make sure all the files are there,
if all is in place this looks like you might have wrong paths defined in the conf files,
also, when posting, please include more info related to the problem,
things such as install path, distro it is installed on, and all what you think is relevant,
Hi Andres,
New to the site and no doubt I will learn.
I downloaded tarball to a local folder, extracted and uploaded from there, folder by folder. I also followed the install on Fedore Core (4) instructions listed on the OpenEMR site as I went through the installation. Apart from a setting in php.ini the install went well and I can access the main pages etc. Apart from the sqlconf.php file for the database and the interface/globals.php for the paths, is there any other files that I should check for potential problems? or path edits that have to be made?
the path in the global conf file lists the path as /var/www/html/openemr - however to get the correct path for the server, that had to be changed to /var/www/vhosts/<mydomain.com>/httpsdocs/openemr
a better procedure is to untar in the same machine you are installing and avoiding ftp transfers,
or just ftp transfer the tarbal,
log in the shell, and run the “tar -zxf” command on the file
so if there’s no data I will sugest a new install using this method,
the files you mentioned are fine, as it is the path,
there were two files that needed to be created and chowned to the www server at installation time,
(that’s why I am asking the distro, different distros use different names, such as nobody or www-data (ubuntu and debian))
did you do that?
I’ve done a clean install directly from the tar file, setup exactly as in the instructions for Fedora Core install and having the same issues as above.
The only thing that I can think of is folder/file permissions? Ant advice would be appreciated
This can be resolved sometimes by using a physical IP address for the machine. This is especially true on LANs where name resolution can fail because of the non-routable Class C addresses.
The instructions ask for the real path here not just a relative path.
Hello Dr Bowen,
I changed the path to reflect the IP and the lower half of the login screen disappeared - I couldn’t log in. I changed it back to <mydomain.com> in the path and it came back again. So the issue has to be paths relating to the internal links in the app. Is there any other places that I can check?
Just a thought.
Is there path settings within apache that would create the problem…If the directory that contains the calendar items that are not found are owned by apache?
I am still worried that this is being caused by the way your virtual environment is handling the paths. Hopefully the guys who have more experience with virtual servers will chip in here.
Do you get any error messages in the Apache error logs or in the syslogs of the virtual server?
Which virtual environment are you using (VMware?)
What OS (native and virtual)
Which Apache
Which OpenEMR (2.8.2 or CVS)
Which PHP
Which MySQL
I think you mentioned at oemr.org that your virtual server is FedoraCore 4. This is getting a bit dated and you may be dealing with older PHP and MySQL versions though they don’t usually cause this tyoe of error message.
Hello Dr Bowen,
My phpinfo file shows:
Fedora Core 4 as OS
Apache 2.0.54
OpenEMR 2.8.2
Php 5.0.4
Mysql 4.1.20
Before I quit yesterday I was in the Apache httpd.conf file and the paths are set for /var/www/html and I’m thinking that as certain files rely on the ownership of apache to function this may be part of the problem as these do not relate to the actual paths.
OpenEMR really does use the real path. I have run afoul of this more than once during upgrades a such where I forgot to change to the correct path.
In my installations Apache is not the owner. I chnge all files to be owned by root to harden the installation. Apache only owns ~compiled and ~cache because is needs to write the calendar data to disk.
Can you actually install OpenEMR at /var/www/html/openemr for testing purposes to see if the problem goes away?
I am unsure of the VMware question - trying to find out.
I haven’t tried to install outside of the current folder system as the instruction from the provider only allows for that. I am not very experienced in some of the tecnology and trying to learn fast.
I tried to add the paths as virtual servers on the apache file (create a conf file to add each webroot folder etc) - following the tutorial on the providers site and apache won’t restart now…Had to contact support.
This is becoming a nightmarish experience…It works absolutely fine on local machine and when I need it to be right…
It’s insane to troubleshoot things like this without being able to see your PHP error messages. Check /var/log/user.log and /var/log/messages … if they are not in either of those then you’ll need to find and inspect php.ini to find out where they are going and/or direct them to somewhere.
Hi Dr Bowen,
At the moment I’m waiting for support to confirm what I’ve done to create the problem with apache. I can’t even get a default web page to come up on the site so apache is not running at all.
I’ll see what can be done to get back to par and try again.