I am experimenting with Nation Notes, and I think I am starting to get things figured out. I am using Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS/Firefox 13.0.1
The first time I created a field of Data Type “Nation Notes”, there is a dropdown list that appears, containing the choices, “Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan”. When I create a NN form, I can select “Personalize -> Add Context”, and add a new context, such as “Indications”. Now, if I edit the layout, “Indications” appears in the dropdown list next to Data Type, as expected. What is unexpected, and perhaps is a bug, is that I cannot get a category to appear in the “Select Category” popup.
I can use “Personalize -> Add Category” to add categories, and they show up in the window, but they only appear in the dropdown list if they are in the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, or Plan contexts.
I have tried saving all the changes and reloading all the frames, but nothing shows up under “Indications” in the first popup window. Is this a bug, or am I just missing something?
Yes. Those instructions are useful for letting the user know that the NNotes feature exists, but that’s about it. Slightly more information can be had from the Youtube tutorial that Z&H makes available. Until a more complete set of instructions is forthcoming, however, I’m relying on the trial-and-error method. Whoever said that you learn more from your mistakes than your successes was very astute.
I think I may have figured out the problem. I have not done extensive testing, but I believe it may have been a simple name collision. I created a different context, and was able to add categories to it without any problem. Hmmmmm….
I had same kind of fight with LBF and same problems with Nation Notes. Wait till you experience any of the delete button! I deleted Subjective by accidental trial and error, more error then trials. After that I could not do much to restore the Nation Notes. Took me a day of deep digging into Database to find the code_types and add the NationNotes SUBJECITVE again.
Someone did a great job of implementing a nice looking new feature, but it takes a lot of error to accomplish what is advertised as “the sky is the limit”. Where can I go to get some samples to make better use and possible better manual instructions for the NN feature?
Another next struggle will be to make the LBF forms and NN work so I can make them printable………
To make LBF forms it is of great help to view the Demographic screens and what is and what is showing with what kind of input in the different field types. In the instruction for Nation Notes it is the LBF base that could be the solution for easier editing and making templates.
Tell in this FORUM how to get things working. Need some free time to uncover your simple name collision.
Tnx, for the revival remark and the Magazines for Party to show me this thread again.
And during my searches I met so many code/custom/lists etc that I mentioned the wrong Database table. Table for Nation Notes is:
phpMyADMIN: database OpenEMR => customlists
Hope to get more influx in this FORUM, the more interested persons with questions and answers the more we will be able to explore this feature and have easier access to personalized forms maker.
If enough Forum replies are created I will try to make a WIKI page for this feature so next generation trial and error will have less error.
That is not really an adequate explanation. Sorry. This tool, which is cool, has a steep learning curve. Partly because there is no administration function outside of creating a new encounter. What it really needs is a tool to let you setup the bulk of the base templates and custom lists as ‘clinic wide’ (admin owned). Personalize should be just that, a way for a Dr to personalize the base templates and add their own.
That said, I have at least one customer, a podiatrist, that has now developed a huge template set and really loves it. I plan on sharing that file as soon as I can figure out what tables to dump and how to ‘de-personalize’ the records. Which I don’t think will be hard.
The only way I could discover to add a Category to Nation Notes is to add an extra row into the Database => Tables => customlist.
T populate, need to make a field with a different name and than use the settings like Subjective. Objective, Assessment, Plan. (First field is 5 , seconds 5, rest is the same as SOAP………)
Now the next question is: where do I find the contents that are saved in the initial form, or how can I show the results in history of the patient and where can I find an option to print?
It seems to be somewhat the same as CAMOS…… but a complete different way to get a sort like result.
P.S. Looking at the video I see a field calld Javascript??? is there something missing in the version used for
I see that many of you have had trouble working with NationNotes. ZH Healthcare is organizing a webinar, free or charge, to demonstrate the functionality of NationNotes, and also to answer any questions that members of this community have. Please follow this link and register for the even that is scheduled to be conducted on 12/06/2012 at 12: http://zhservices.com/upcoming-events.
i just started experimenting Nation Notes to build some templates for history and physical. so far, it is working well, very attractive looking, and i was able to add one extra context “cervical-spine” and also adding categories under it, and actual note segments. i also changed one entry in the database–>customlists–>cl_lists_items_short–>VARCAR(10) to VARCAR (200), this allows to store longer phrase by using “add button” function.
i made the “group” in LBF would be correlate with “context” in Nation Notes, so it would make sense to create one context for each group, but then it would only need one field under each group, i assume a "context’ can be created for each “field”, then it would be useful to load different context by clicking on different field within the same group.
i am not able to find the way to store a set of “default” items for a NN note, which would function like the “add” button in CAMOS to add a default template, wonder if there is a file to edit to choose a set of default choices for each template, this would allow the clinician to go over the pre-loaded default note and only change as needed. otherwise, you need to manually pick the entry and construct the note at each patient visit.
another useful feature in CAMOS is clone last visit, which i have not find how to do in NN.
i wonder if there is a simple fix for the above, such as editing some files?
@zh health care: i missed the webinar in your above post, just wonder if you have an on line recording i can watch?
Hi, Debra, thank you for the info, i tried the link, it seems broken though.
In the mean time, I tried to use Nation Notes to build up some templates, such as HPI, PE, Plan, here is some feedback, maybe benefitial to future improvement:
the new window would not come up to the center of screen, to over come that, I have to close the upper frame.
a way to save the default choices in a template, so that each time it is loaded automatically, the provider can then edit on it. if multiple sets of choices can be saved as deferent defaults, it would be even better, such as HTN template, DM template, etc.
“CLONE” function to load last visit’s note as start point of today’s note.