Multisite: Add New Site results in Blank Page

mcrownmore wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Hi All:

I am getting blank page when I click on ‘Add New Site’ to create a multisite. I have tried this both on Ubuntu and Debian and getting the same result. I am running OpenEMR 4.1.0. I am running Ubuntu 11.10. Debian ‘squeeze’  version 6.0.4.

Basically, when I click on ‘Add New Site’ admin.php invokes setup.php but nothing happens - just the “white screen of death.” Is anyone experiencing similar problem?


aethelwulffe wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Does openemr/setup.php exist?  I believe deleting that is a common security method.

mcrownmore wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Yes. The file exist and it’s in the right folder: /var/www/openemr/setup.php

aaversa wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Hi Murray,

What are the permissions on the setup.php file? I seem to remember running into the same issue when trying to add sites under Ubuntu.

Aric Aversa
Health Care Technologies

mcrownmore wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

Hi Aric,

Permissions was the problem. Apparently, it was only root that has rw permission to the file. I changed the permissions  and it now works. Thank you.


mcrownmore wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:

I ran into another issue with the multisite. After the installation and configuration of the database. the installation script hangs at step 4: Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php GACL)…

I have dropped the database twice and start over again but the install still didn’t get pass Step 4. It just stays on the page step 4 page without completing the install process. Any assistance will be appreciated.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, February 17, 2012:


To maintain security the ubuntu package secures the following files after installation:

         #secure openemr
         chown -Rf root:root $OPENEMR
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/acl_setup.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/acl_upgrade.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/sl_convert.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/setup.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/sql_upgrade.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/ippf_upgrade.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/gacl/setup.php
         chmod 600 $OPENEMR/admin.php

So, in addition to setup.php, you will also need to change permission in the acl_setup.php file and the gacl/setup.php files.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 18, 2012:


Have updated the multi-sites module wiki instructions page with above information:


mcrownmore wrote on Monday, February 20, 2012:


Thank you. That was very helpful. The problem is SOLVED.
