Multiple Providers - Encounter name issue

uhsarp wrote on Wednesday, October 05, 2011:


When the support for Multiple providers is enabled in the Admin->Globals menu and the status of the apt is changed to “@ Arrived”, the EMR seems to create an encounter (as its supposed to) with the name of the user who is changing the status to ‘@’ rather than the provider included in the apt. So when I go to the generated encounter, it says “Patient Encounter by XXX YYY”. The “XXX YYY” should be the provider concerned with the apt but not the user who changed the status to Arrived. Do I need to make any config changes to fix it? Thanks!

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2011:


This sounds like a bug, which I have heard reported before. The good news is that there will likely be a high priority to fix this bug, since it is related to another issue that needs to be fixed:


uhsarp wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2011:

Thanks as always brady!

vambati wrote on Tuesday, November 15, 2011:

Hi Brady
is there a fix for this issue?

Thank you

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 15, 2011:


Still considered high priortity, but not fixed yet. Is part of the planned fix described here:

just need more developers :slight_smile:


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 02, 2012:

And 9 months later, this bug has been fixed :slight_smile: (just committed the fix to sourceforge).

I am still having issues. I am running version 5.0.2 . When I create a new encounter its shows random username every. Please help me fix it.

hi @Sanyam_Tiwari, are you on the latest patch?