@stephenwaite see this:
I am able to get to step 3 with both patch 1 and patch 2 of OpenEMR version 7.0.0
I am using a development environment:
XAMPP with php8.1
windows 10
I see that @athenaortiz has been able to get past the issue.
Reinstalling OpenEMR is not hard. Just rename the current directory to “openemr_old” or something like that so as not to lose your “sites” directory and reinstall after doing checksum. If your initial download is corrupt, other problems will occur later on.
You may run setup again to after reinstalling openemr, but then you will have to drop your databases (I don’t recommend this), or use different database names. This is a problem if you already have data in your databases. Another option is to do the following:
If you have more than one site, then copy and paste openemr/sites/default as many times as your need. You will wind up with something like this:
openemr/sites/defaut copy
openemr/sites/defaut copy(1)
openemr/sites/defaut copy(2)
Rename the directories as needed:
The reason I do it this way is in case changes have been made with previous patches. In your case, you can probably just copy the whole sites directory from your old installation (I don’t recommend it because of the corruption issue). But in my case, my installation is old and I have been updating it and patching it over time. Also, in your case, if you have a corrupt installation, you may have corrupt or missing files in the original default directory.
Do the following for each of your sites. Again, notepad++ is safe for editing files.
Edit sqlconf.php in openemr/sites/default with notepad++ to make it work with your default database
Copy openemr/sites/default/documents/logs_and_misc/methods/sixa and sixb to the same location in your new install.
finally, copy all your directories that begin with a number in:
to your new openemr install.
Then try again to use the multisite and cloning feature in setup.php. But remember to save setup.php prior to applying patches, because patching it deletes the text in it!
Once you are done with all this, going to the admin page should work. Let me know if it doesn’t