on CMS site it says for 2014 we can use Stage 1 criteria to attest, but it says:
Providers scheduled to demonstrate Stage 1 in 2014 who have successfully implemented 2014 CEHRT would use 2014 Stage 1 core and menu objectives.
Providers who are still using 2011 Edition CEHRT or a combination of 2011 and 2014 Editions and choose to report 2013 Stage 1 core and menu objectives should visit the 2013 Stage 1 of Meaningful Use webpage .
can some one explain what criteria should we be using for 2014, we originally attested
3rd attestation - 2014 - what core and menu objectives should we be using ?
should openemr 2011 Edition CEHRT is sufficient to attest or do we need combination of 2011 and 2014 Editions? which means do we need to upgrade to 4.2.0 before attesting?
We are planning to register for MU Stage 1 this year. So far we were using openemr 4.1.0. Can we move to 4.1.2-7 to provide 90-day data for MU stage 1 this year?
(and in the future, will plan all 4.3.x versions to have Complete certificaton for 2014 MU1/MU2)
As an aside, for users that want 4.2.x functionality but need MU1 certification, I did create a 4.1.3 branch that is essentially 4.2.0 just in case users needed this(before doing this, though, should check in with Tony at OEMR to ensure doing that is ok): https://sourceforge.net/p/openemr/discussion/202506/thread/4645a14f#9f1c
By the book, any release 4.1.X is good for MU stage 1. There are stage 2
related changes in the 4.1.3 release so if you are squeamish about that
stick with 4.1.2 for Stage 1.
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This is relevant information and, really, up holds Kevin’s statement. You will need to upgrade to 4.2 (and 4.3) in order to do 2014 attestation whether Stage 1 or Stage 2 criteria are used. Fortunately, it looks like the same 90 period applies for previous attestations (at least).
Although the CMS EHR Certification Number can now be obtained for 4.2.0, it cannot be used for 2014 certification.
The deadline for the release was September 30, 2014 in order for the user to have the last quarter of 2014 for the reporting period.
Given the contradictory attitude of Congress about taxpayer dollars being misspent by CMS in the way it has had administered MU, I would hesitate to attest using Modular Certification; instead it would be safer to rely on the version of OpenEMR that has Complete Certification.
It was in response to Congress’ mixed message that Figliozzi & Co. began auditing physicians & hospitals in April 2012.
Does this mean 4.2.0 will have 2014 EHR modular certification for MU2? If so, does that also mean 4.2.0 will have 2014 complete certification for MU1? Which openemr version has 2014 complete EHR certification for MU1?