Open EMR Mu2 certification is showing as retired
Does it mean that EMR is no longer officially certified and we cannot use it when certified EMR is required?
Open EMR Mu2 certification is showing as retired
Does it mean that EMR is no longer officially certified and we cannot use it when certified EMR is required?
that’s correct @vs1784, will be shortlived though
It seems that for the 2015 certification, the system will need to generate reports about things such as HbA1c … lab information that is not my OpenEMR system and nor do I have any idea on how to import such information into OpenEMR (I use Quest and there exists no interface to Quest Diagnostics as far as I know). This is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, for electronic prescribing, I use MDToolBox. Not sure how this electronic prescribing information is going to make it into OpenEMR either. I could go on, but sans Vitals, there is very little that OpenEMR can report for MU3 unless there is some way of getting that information into OpenEMR. I have a feeling that MU3 is going to require some work on the part of the administrators of the the OpenEMR implementations to make sure that the data is in a location where OpenEMR can access it. It might make sense to start making a list of what the administrators or “users” of OpenEMR will need to do to have any chance of meaningful MU3 reports being generated.
hi @Ralf_Lukner, OpenEMR is going for core certification which only includes b(1)
and b(10)
and currently does not include optional item b(3)
from the care coordination category.
Previously for Stage II NewCrop was a required part of the OpenEMR install in order to attest. We could probably include b(3)
with some help from @ken this time around.
Also would be really cool to have Quest interface for OpenEMR (which do exist out there btw) in the community version that’s very easy to certify and turn on.
Yeah, our company supports the NewCrop interface and pays for the DEA audit to have OpenEMR certified for EPCS. Glad to help where we can.