Moving Scanned Docs to Patient Charts

mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2008:

I am testing moving "scanned" documents to the appropriate patient chart but I am unable to do so.  When I click "Dispatch" the "Dispatch  Received Document" window pops up.  Then I choose the patient and document location.  However, when I click "Ok" the message tells me "NO PAGES HAVE BEEN SELECTED."  I have entered data in all of the window for the patient and document.

Where and how do you select the pages? 

I do not have Hylafax set up yet, is Hylafax needed in order to utilize the scanning repository?


sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2008:

In the Dispatch window, there should be a checkbox next to each page.  That’s where you select the pages to be moved.


mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, February 06, 2008:

There is not a check box next to each page in the Dispatch Window.  These are PDF docs.  Should I take a screen shot and e-mail it to you?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

Sounds like no pages are displayed in the Dispatch window.  If so, that’s the problem to troubleshoot.


mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

Do you have a screen shot of what it should look like?  I am going to check the error log and see what I find on this.



mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

My folder for scanned documents contains PDF’s and TIFF’s.  When I try to dispatch a TIFF I get this error in the Dispatch Window

"tiffsplit returned 127:"

Below are a few errors in my error log that I felt might be related to why I am not seeing document pages displayed in the Dispatch Window.  I looked at the code in the php pages referenced and didn’t recognize anything.  Please advise.


[Wed Feb 06 22:00:48 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  file in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/interface/fax/fax_dispatch.php on line 15, referer: http://localhost/openemr-2.8.3/interface/fax/faxq.php

[Wed Feb 06 22:00:48 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  form_save in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/interface/fax/fax_dispatch.php on line 73, referer: http://localhost/openemr-2.8.3/interface/fax/faxq.php

[Wed Feb 06 22:00:42 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  show_all in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/interface/main/authorizations/authorizations.php on line 43, referer: http://localhost/openemr-2.8.3/interface/main/main.php

[Wed Feb 06 22:00:42 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  show_all in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/interface/main/authorizations/authorizations.php on line 72, referer: http://localhost/openemr-2.8.3/interface/main/main.php

[Wed Feb 06 21:55:49 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: ignoreAuth in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/interface/globals.php on line 186, referer: http://localhost/openemr-2.8.3/interface/main/main_navigation.php
sh: faxstat: command not found
sh: faxstat: command not found

I checked line 186 of the Globals.php and here is the code:

// Include the authentication module code here, but the rule is
// if the file has the word “login” in the source code file name,
// don’t include the authentication module - we do this to avoid
// include loops.

if (!$ignoreAuth) {

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

The “PHP Notice” errors are irrelevant.  I’d suggest that you look in fax_dispatch.php to find the tiffsplit command line that it’s generating, and try running the same command yourself at the command line.  Remember that it’s running with permissions of the web server, so the directories used must have the appropriate ownership and/or permissions (that itself could be your problem).


mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

Thanks Rod.  I was just going ask you about permissions and you beat me to the punch.  During my set up of OpenEMR I have changed directory permissions from root to web server and back.  I am going to back track there.


mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:


I am making progress as I do not get the "tiffsplit" error any more.  I had changed the permissions on the "fax" directory to the webserver ( Apache2 in my case) for both OWNER and GROUP. I set OWNER having read, write, and execute.  And GROUP and OTHERS having read and execute. But I am still not seeing pages displayed with check boxes in the Dispatch window.

During my initial set up of OpenEMR I made the necessary permissions changes as directed by the setup instructions.  However I noticed the permissions on many of the OpenEMR directories and files have ‘500’ set for OWNER and GROUP. I am running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1, PHP5, MYSQL5. Should I change the permissions on all the directories in OpenEMR to the webserver?  Is that o.k. to do?

I apologize if these questions seem too basic, however this is the first time I have ever used Linux and a PHP web application.  I really appreciate your help as well as other members who have given me guidance during my set up.



sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2008:

Yes, if you just change the owner:group of the whole OpenEMR tree (chown -R) to those of the web server, I think that will be sufficient.


mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, February 09, 2008:

I used chown - R and changed the owner:group of the whole OpenEMR tree to that of my web server. However, I am still unable to see pages displayed in the Dispatch window.  Could this be a GACL issue?  Should PhpMyadmin and PhpGACL have the owner:group changed (chown -R) to the web server as well for each of their respective directory trees?  I have not done that yet.  Some of the directories still have owner as "root" and "500."



gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2008:

Did you ever figure this out? I still am not getting any pages listed under "please select pages to copy or forward"

mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2008:

I did not and have currently put that on hold.  In the mean time I have installed AvantFax (  It is a great open source web based fax solution.  What I like about Avantfax is that all faxes (incoming & outgoing) are converted to PDF format automatically.  I like the PDF format because of the ease to view it in the OpenEMR patient chart. About 99% of our patient chart documents are PDF.  All of our faxes are now stored on our server and accessible wherever a internet connection is available. 

I thought it would be great to somehow incorporate Avantfax with OpenEMR.  I was going to experiment by pointing the OpenEMR fax directory in globals.php to the Avantfax incoming/outgoing faxes directory(located in the web root).


mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2008:

I plan on revisiting the scanning issue after the release of OpenEMR-2.8.4.   Faxing was a bigger issue in our office at the time.


voipbound wrote on Thursday, August 28, 2008:

Hello Mike-h30

Have you have any success with incorporating hylafax/avantfax to openEMR?  I am trying myself but not having any success.


mike-h30 wrote on Friday, August 29, 2008:


I have not incorporated Avantfax with OpenEMR yet.  I am upgrading the office to OpenEMR-2.9.0 this weekend and will look into this shortly.  However, it has not been too much trouble for the users to keep AvantFax and OpenEMR in two separate FireFox windows or tabs.


voipbound wrote on Tuesday, September 02, 2008:

Yea, I am trying to figure out this problem too.  Hylafax site is not too helpful.  I will definitely post back if I make any progress.

vambati wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

I am also getting same error - “NO PAGES HAVE BEEN SELECTED.” can some one please help me. are you able to resolve this issue. please help.


penguin8r wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

The dispatch utility only works with TIF files, if you are trying to dispatch a PDF file, you will see all sorts of strange behavior.
Best thing is to just scan to TIF format if you’re going to use the dispatch utiilty, it will conver them to PDF when they are saved in the patient’s documents anyway.