Moving OpenEMR installation from Windows to L

fkasmani wrote on Sunday, September 09, 2012:


We have an OpenEMR installation we’ve been using for about 8mths now.
This was installed on a WindowsXP PC, but we’re now shifting to Linux (Fedora).

I really am in need of some info on how we can move our OpenEMR installation from WinXP to Linux. I am trying to follow the instructions at
but it looks like this is going to setup a new OpenEMR system - what about all the patient & clinic data we’ve entered along the way? How do I migrate all that?

cverk wrote on Sunday, September 09, 2012:

I think it would be exactly how I went to the new xampp as outlined below and in this forum. The basic idea is to mysqldump your database and copy your sites/default directory to your new installation.

The restore commands would need to be linux instead of windows commands I guess.

open a windows dos command prompt and enter: CD C:\xampp\mysql\bin
Then from the command prompt C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqldump -u root - p -databases openemr> C:\dumpfile.sql Enter your root passord here:
It will run awhile and produce your backup file dumpfile.sql in the c:directory When you go to restore it in the new xampp, you open up the database in phpmyadmin and at the bottom of the list, check all, and use the drop down list to empty the data files.
To restore your files run a dos command prompt again to the xampp/mysql/bin command prompt and type
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root -p openemr < C:dumpfile.sql
Enter password here:
This one runs a very long time with just a blinking cursor making you think it froze up. Just be patient, it took mine about 20 minutes to finish.
The web directory refers to the openemr/sites/default files where your pdf attachment files reside.