I’d like to know if there’s a way to move groups from one layout into another - for example, if I have a group of fields in the Demographics form and i’d like to move them into a new form I make.
What you are doing, trying to put clinical data into the demographics is not how things were meant to work.
I suggest that you implement your “ophthalmology” stuff as a List Based Form, or using the XMLFormGen. Either of those methods is far more likely to accomplish what your goals then trying to use the demographics form. The fundamental problem you are going to run up against with your current strategy is that there can only be ONE row in the demographics table for a given patient.
However, the reason I having to go this dreaded way was because the practice Iḿ setting OpenEMR for (an optician) wanted to import all data from his previous foxpro based in-house developed system of 1996 and the only way I could see that possible was to include all prescription/contact lens data into demographics so it could line up with the respective patient.
I’ve now (after having to do all the hard work of setting up the groups/fields in demographics) managed to convince them to maintain their previous system for atleast 5yrs as a reference point for all “encounters” before OpenEMR and that was why I wanted to know if there’s a possibility of being able to setup a new Layout Based Visit Form and move or import the required groups from demographics.