Modifying OpenEMR for Mental Health Clinics

Hi @Bo_Wang -
Yes, there is a way to create claims for all participants of a group therapy session.

The Groups module generates an encounter form for each group participant as part of documenting the group session. And claims are generated from the charges entered into the fee sheet for an encounter.

A fee sheet contains the charges for the particular encounter that is being edited at the time, so if the fee sheet menu item is greyed out that probably means you do not have an encounter form open.

One way to get to the fee sheet is to pull up the patient’s record and in their encounter list, select the group therapy encounter you want to look at (the arrow is not pointing at the Group Therapy item that was selected).


The fee sheet menu item should be active- not greyed out- in the Administration drop down menu.


Then if you pull up that patient’s encounter in the billing manager, you will see it does indeed have a claim:

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Thank you sir for your kind reply. In this approach you may need to remember all the member in the group and go to their chart individually to create a fee sheet. It would be great if we can create fee sheets for all participants (not all members) in a group therapy encounter with the same fee sheet (claim). It appears that it’s not available at the moment?

Hello @Bo_Wang
Correct, the treatment code and fee for a group session is not automatically added to the fee sheet for each patient’s session encounter and so that must be manually added to each one. That would be very handy and save a lot of time!
What do you say, @sjpadgett could that be included in the next upgrade of the module?

I love the idea of auto coding, I’m a mental health professional and I can help with explaining work flows if you’re still working on this.