We’ve just got Mirth set up to read some HL7 files for one of our clients but we’re having trouble configuring it to talk with openemr using the 3 variables in the interface/globals.php file and the lab exchange files in interface/orders/ folder. I’ve got the Mirth Channel set up to send an HTTP request to the webserver at port 80 that I specified in the globals.php but I’m not having any luck with that. I also tried to set up a PHP file to read the POST data but I have a feeling that the code was either wrong or the POST was just not going to the right place. If anyone has any insight or a place to point me to, it would be greatly appreciated. The Mirth forums right now have so far been unhelpful and unclear.
In the lab exchange setup that was implemented by jwallace ( https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1245239&aid=3125004&group_id=60081 ) the URL configured in globals.php. is lab exchange listener. If you load jwallace git branch you’ll get a link on the left navigation pane that sends request to the lab exchange and receives lab results back (see interface/orders/lab_exchange.php). So, if you want to re-implement a lab exchange functionality in Mirth, your channel would need to listen on the url defined in globals.php. If you want to discuss Mirth setup further, send me an email.