Minor Claim Class Cleanup

stephen-smith wrote on Monday, January 24, 2011:

Patch Tracker Item
Git branch

Trivial one line patch.  I will merge into master and push to our central repository in 48 hours unless complaints are raised.

stephen-smith wrote on Monday, January 24, 2011:

FYI, error was found by using php’s “lint” mode: (php -l).

stephen-smith wrote on Wednesday, January 26, 2011:

From commit 1f9dd:

$ git grep Claim.class.php
interface/billing/billing_process.php:include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../library/classes/WSClaim.class.php");
interface/patient_file/pos_checkout.php://     See library/classes/WSClaim.class.php for posting code.
interface/patient_file/pos_checkout.php:// WSClaim.class.php should be rewritten to use them.

5 possible references.  The first actually references a different file.  The second two are comments AND reference a different file.  The last two reference a file with the same name, but in the library/ directory, not the library/classes/ directory.

So, no real references in the tree.  Instead of patching the issue in the file, we are going to drop the file.  Git branch link forthcoming.

stephen-smith wrote on Wednesday, January 26, 2011:

Git branch @ Gitorious - same branch, different contents.

I’ll merge and push into the central repository in 24 hours, if no further complaints arise.