Merging insurance companies

teryhill wrote on Thursday, May 21, 2015:

Has anyone done any work on removing duplicate insurance companies?

I have been toying with inactivating them and before I jump in completely I thought I would check to see if maybe some one has already accomplished this (not too hopeful based response to previous requests)


fsgl wrote on Friday, May 22, 2015:

Can only be done from database.

May cause a problem in Billing View. If some postings had been done for Medicare while others for Cahaba; if Medicare is deleted from the database, posting for Medicare may become Unassigned.

It will be safer to change to Cahaba in ar_activity before deletion of Medicare.

tmccormi wrote on Friday, May 22, 2015:

I would be inclined to add an ‘inactive’ flag that just hides it from future use but leaves it available for past claims reports and rebilling.

Delete should be reserved for records you know for sure have never been used anywhere.
