Menu item 'Services" badly named

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, June 01, 2011:

I would like to change the menu item “Services” to “Coding Mgmt” or similar.  That tool is support working with all kinds of codes that are NOT services and this will only expand as we add CVX vaccine codes, RxNorm Drug nominclature, SnoMED etc …

Any objections?  Any suggests for what to name it?

aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, June 01, 2011:

I could go for CPT Mgmt or Coding Mgmt or even Code List or CPT List.  “Services” do not jump out at me as the place where the codes are managed.  To find it on the infrequent occasion I use it, I have to poke around and then go “…oh yeah…”.  “Services” makes me think of vendors or perhaps server functions, not billing codes.

  More wordy, but exactly to the point> “Edit CPT Codes”

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, June 01, 2011:

Can’t use CPT that is a specific code type.  “Code Lists” might work or “Medical Codes” maybe?

jcahn2 wrote on Thursday, June 02, 2011:

I vote for “Coding Tables”.           Jack

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, June 02, 2011:


We can opt either simply ‘Codes’ or ‘Medical Codes’ .

  • ViCarePlus Team

aethelwulffe wrote on Thursday, June 02, 2011:

Your right.  I misled myself into thinking that CPT was a good general term, when it totally isn’t.  There really are several different standards, supported by different authorities. 
  I like almost any option mentioned here.
I would hash up the mixtures of other menus as well.  Billing instead of fees, other reports put under billing, and billing/coding configurations and lists editable under “Billing/Billing ADMIN”.  Basically, I would have a major sub category of each menu that is “Admin”.  Common functions go into the primary heading, and admin\restricted functions go under the lesser.

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