Anybody else having a problem with rejects of the CMS 1500 prints for lack of a DATE in the Box 31 where “Signature on File” prints? Unfortunately we changed Medicare providers in CNY at the same time we implemented OpenEMR, which does not print the date on the form. It may be possible to revise the code, but if the new Gov’t Services deviates from other Medicare handlers, we should inform them before we modify code which we would then have to modify again with every new release or upgrade.
I am also having problems printing on the HCFA 1500 forms. When I print it doesnt print properly because it overlaps the lines. I really dont know the paper size for the original HCFA 1500 form and also how to set the printer to print the details on the correct position. Assistance needed ASAP. Thanks
I covered this a few posts back. As it is configured, OpenEMR uses its PDF generator to make the CMS 1500 layout, but has the borders set to 30. I first found that changing my printer settings to "Fit To Page" instead of normal will push the print slightly larger. Then you might have to adjust the default location settings in the Billing. The following are based on 2.9.1dev. I plan to update all as soon as I get a "good" ver 3.0.1, which should be next week.
I found it best to change the margin values from 30 to 5 starting near line 119 in …/classes/class.ezpdf.php, and once you have the correct offsets (I think they start as 24 & 27 for Left and Top) for your printer, you can adjust the defaults near lines 83 and 84 in …/interface/billing/billing_report.php to save yourself having to change them for each print.
BTW I assume you know you need the CMS 1500 form dated 08/05. It is an 8.5 x 11 inch with about a .25 inch border.
Well i got it online and printed it on an A4 plain paper to test it. I guess it actually doesnt come on an A4 paper maybe thats why its getting errors and overlapping. Please advice as I really need this working for me
Also the issue of signature on file how can dat be removed from the print out so there would be a space there where it can be hand filled since OpenEMR doesnt have a way to grab a signature maybe it does but i dont know of it.
Thanks Joe, u pointed me in the right direction, I was using the HCFA 1500 form which very different from the CMS 1500 form. the setting u were talking about for the margin I think its already set by default on 3.0.1 but would still go in to give it a check. Thanks alot for your direction, really made my day
In ver 3.0 (I am not sure of the latest line #s, but they will be close) starting from about line 465 in …/openemr/library/ you will find the info for field 31 which is the primary signature field. You could simply comment out the line which has ‘Signature on File’ by putting “//” to the left of the line (which will make it like the comments describing the function).
You could also get creative and substitute a GIF file which is the signature, but I believe almost all payers accept the "Signature On File" once they actually have a first example, and there is no reason you cannot actually sign around the text.
And, yes, i do know that would be the same general location to insert another instruction to make it print the date. I just want to avoid that if it is not necessary for any OTHER Medicare handler, so i don’t have to maintain a ‘bastard’.
You are very right about that…I know what it fels like maintaining a crazy change…Well I will go in to comment it out depending on what the practice I would be installing it for requires. Thanks alot
I still have not heard a thing on others’ CMS 1500 claims without a date or signature in box 31. Have you actually submitted and gotten back any responses to claims on the correct form yet? Are you trying to fix a problem which a client has had, which is the reason you want to remove the “Signature on File” text? Please let me know. Thanks.
I was trying to fix a problem. This is due to the fact that the cient usually submits with a signature and date so I was thinking of making the change. Is there a way we could print signature on file with a space the date by the side and this should be done by reducing the text size. Was thinking of that. Its so sad that I am not a coder or programmer I would love to make alot of changes to suite my needs. I will do a trial and error on my virtual machine installation to see what it would give to me and get back to you on this