Meaningful use reports

openemrdev wrote on Friday, July 05, 2013:

Hi all,

What are the reports used to get the meaningful use dataset from openemr

i know the one “AMC REPORT”…OTHERS??

I assume the 15 core measures,10 menu measures and 6 CQM available on openemr

Could any one please suggest me

visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 05, 2013:


The Following are the MU criteria’s and their related reports in OpenEmr:

1.Automated Measures Calculation - Reports->Clinic->AMC
2.Calculate and submit CQM’s - Reports->Clinic->Quality measures
3.Generate patient list - Reports->Clients->Clinical
4.Submission to immunization registries - Reports->Clients->Immunization Registry
5.Public health surveillance - Reports->visits->Syndromic Surveillance

Hope This Helps

Your OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,

openemrdev wrote on Friday, July 05, 2013:

Thanks for addressing me better,Still i have some qus.please confirm the all MU objectives and clarify me on few rules.They are highlighted below

15 Core objectives

Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) - AMC:170.304(a)
Maintain an up-to-date problem list of current and active diagnoses - AMC:170.302©
E-Prescribing (eRx) - AMC:170.304(b)
Maintain active medication list - AMC:170.302(d)
Maintain active medication allergy list - AMC:170.302(e)
Record demographics - AMC:170.304©
Record and chart changes in vital signs - AMC:170.302(f)
Record smoking status for patients 13 years or older - AMC:170.302(g)
Provide patients with an electronic copy of their health information, upon request - AMC:170.304(f)
Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit - AMC:170.304(h)

??Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS/States - Where i can ind the data for this

??Implement clinical decision support - Where i can ind the data for this

??Capability to exchange key clinical information - Where i can ind the data for this

??Protect electronic health information - Where i can ind the data for this

??Drug-drug and drug-allergy checks - Where i can ind the data for this

10 Menu objective
Submit electronic data to immunization registries OR - Reports->Clients->Immunization Registry
Submit electronic syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies - Reports->visits->Syndromic Surveillance
??Drug formulary checks - Where i can ind the data for this
Incorporate clinical lab-test results - AMC:170.302(h)
Generate lists of patients by specific conditions - Reports->Clients->Clinical
Send reminders to patients for preventive/follow-up care - AMC:170.304(d)
Patient-specific education resources - AMC:170.302(m)
Electronic access to health information for patients - AMC:170.304(g)
Medication reconciliation - AMC:170.302(j)
Summary of care record for transitions of care - AMC:170.304(i)

6 CQM rules

What are the 6 CQM rules and How can i get the data for the rules

visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 05, 2013:

Thanks for your Interest.
Certainly we can help you out in OpenEmr MU requirements and criterias. Please write us to

Your OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,

openemrdev wrote on Saturday, July 06, 2013:


Thanks you so much

So here is my final analyse on data capturing for MU

15 Core objectives

1.Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) - AMC:170.304(a)
2.Maintain an up-to-date problem list of current and active diagnoses - AMC:170.302©
3.E-Prescribing (eRx) - AMC:170.304(b)
4.Maintain active medication list - AMC:170.302(d)
5.Maintain active medication allergy list - AMC:170.302(e)
6.Record demographics - AMC:170.304©
7.Record and chart changes in vital signs - AMC:170.302(f)
8.Record smoking status for patients 13 years or older - AMC:170.302(g)
9.Provide patients with an electronic copy of their health information, upon request - AMC:170.304(f)
10.Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit - AMC:170.304(h)
11.Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS/States - YES/NO- We should answer yes
12.Drug-drug And Drug-allergy Interaction Check - YES/NO- We should answer yes
13.Implement clinical decision support - 170.304(e) - YES/NO- We should answer yes
14.Protect electronic health information - YES/NO- We should answer yes
15.Capability to exchange key clinical information - YES/NO- We should answer yes(image missing)

10 Menu objective

1.Submit electronic data to immunization registries OR - Reports->Clients->Immunization Registry - YES/NO
2.Submit electronic syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies - Reports->visits->Syndromic Surveillance
3.Drug formulary checks - Answer yes if the exclusion does not apply.
4.Incorporate clinical lab-test results - AMC:170.302(h)
5.Generate lists of patients by specific conditions - Reports->Clients->Clinical
6.Send reminders to patients for preventive/follow-up care - AMC:170.304(d)
7.Patient-specific education resources - AMC:170.302(m)
8.Electronic access to health information for patients - AMC:170.304(g)
9.Medication reconciliation - AMC:170.302(j)
10.Summary of care record for transitions of care - AMC:170.304(i)

Clinical Quality Measures(CQM)

Core Clinical Quality Measures

1.Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up (CQM) ( PQRI:128 NQF:0421 )
2.Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement (CQM) ( NQF:0013 )
3.1 Tobacco Use Assessment (CQM) ( NQF:0028a )
3.2 Tobacco Cessation Intervention (CQM) ( NQF:0028b )

Alternate Clinical Quality Measures

4.Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents (CQM) ( NQF:0024 )?? 3 boxes on population
5.Influenza Immunization for Patients >= 50 Years Old (CQM) ( PQRI:110 NQF:0041 )
6.Childhood immunization Status (CQM) ( NQF:0038 )

Additional Clinical Quality Measures

7.Diabetes: HbA1c Poor Control (CQM) ( PQRI:1 NQF:0059 )
8.Diabetes: LDL Management & Control (CQM) ( PQRI:2 NQF:0064 )
9.Pneumonia Vaccination Status for Older Adults (CQM) ( PQRI:111 NQF:0043 )

openemrdev wrote on Saturday, July 06, 2013:

All the CQM measures are available on Reports -> Standard measures.Can we use the same report for MU??

How the Report - Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) helps on MU process??What is the purpose of PORI report A,E

Please advise


openemrdev wrote on Monday, July 08, 2013:

Hi everyone,

Please any one have a look at this and please confirm/clarify my qus
