Market penetration

jcahn2 wrote on Friday, July 17, 2009:

The AAFP listserv has of late been discussing open source EMRs (I have been responding to the naysayers).  I wonder if anyone has an estimate of the number of physicians using OpenEMR in the USA?
Jack Cahn MD

cfapress wrote on Monday, July 20, 2009:

Dr. Sam Bowen might have the right answer for you.

Being an open source product, it’s very difficult to ascertain the correct answer. The nature of this product lends itself to be used anywhere at any time without need to register the use or report on the successes or failures. Most commercial EMR products require strict registration and yearly maintenance fees. This allows them to track just how many organizations are using the product.

We do know that Open EMR is used world-wide. It has a strong base of support through the online forums and businesses who provide additional technical support.
