Make Electronic batch and Clear Error

ajperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, May 18, 2006:

Hi Guys
Could someone please clear this one up for me?

Entry has not been previously sent to external system or no entry was found for them in the integration mapping, could not send claim. Provider: ‘1’

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 81

jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, June 04, 2006:

I am getting the same error when I click “Make Electronic Batch and Clear”.  I think it has to do with having an authorized user.  My providers can’t make new encounters. When I login as admin, I can create encounters, I can run billing but generates the below error message (because not authorized?)  When I authorize admin, the bill posts (shows up in reports, eobs, and sql-ledger) but then “administrator” shows up on the calendar - not helpful.  I’m hoping you aren’t going to tell me to learn how to use gacl :wink:

Entry has not been previously sent to external system or no entry was found for them in the integration mapping, could not send claim. Provider: ‘5’

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 81

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 82

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 83

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 84

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 85

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 86

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/WSClaim.class.php:191) in /var/www/html/openemr/interface/billing/billing_process.php on line 96
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*98989 *ZZ*89898 *030911*1630*U*00401*000000001*0*T*:~GS*HC*98989*89898*20060603*0400*1*X*004010X098A1~ST*837*0021~BHT*0019*00*0123*20060603*1023*CH~REF*87*004010X098A1~NM1*41*2*ALLEGHANY FAMILY PRACTICE*****46*56-1325734~PER*IC*FREDA DAVIS*TE*3363725606~NM1*40*2*FREECLAIMS.COM*****46*455454545~HL*1**20*1~NM1*85*2*ALLEGHANY FAMILY PRACTICE*****24*56-1325734~N3*214 DOCTORS ST~N4*SPARTA*NC*28675~REF~NM1*87*2*ALLEGHANY FAMILY PRACTICE*****24*56-1325734~N3*214 DOCTORS ST~N4*SPARTA*NC*28675~HL*2*1*22*0~SBR*P*01*898*SELF-EMPLOYED*****CI~NM1*IL*1*RUBBLE*BARNEY****MI*8989~N3*MAPLE ST~N4*BEDROCK*NC*28675~DMG*D8*19471212*M~NM1*PR*2*CIGNA*****PI*56565656~N3*ADDRESS~N4*RALEIGH*NC*28675~HL*3*2*23*0~PAT*01~NM1*QC*1*RUBBLE*BETTY~N3*MAPLE ST~N4*BEDROCK*NC*28675~DMG*D8*19480530*F~CLM*5-29-28*0.00***11::1*Y*A*Y*Y*C~DTP*431*D8*20060603~REF*X4*12345678~HI*BK:8479~NM1*DN*1*MURPHY*MAUREEN****34*56-1325734~REF*1G~NM1*82*1*ADMINISTRATOR*****34~PRV*PE*ZZ*207Q00000X~NM1*77*2*ALLEGHANY FAMILY PRACTICE*****24*56-1325734~N3*214 DOCTORS ST~N4*SPARTA*NC*28675~LX*1~SV1*HC:99213*0.00*UN*1***1~DTP*472*D8*20060603~SE*44*0021~GE*1*1~IEA*1*000000001~

I have been able to get everything else working well.

Mandriva 2006           apache2
mysql 4.1

Thanks,                        Jack Cahn MD

kashurjmax wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2006:

Warnings are generally ok - you can change the value in /etc/php.ini file - search for line
error_reporting = and the replace the line with
error_reporting  =  E_ERROR
That will get rid of the warnings

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2006:

Regarding the error “Entry has not been previously sent to external system or no entry was found for them in the integration mapping, could not send claim. Provider: ‘1’”…

This error occurs when the indicated provider (in this case with id ‘1’) does not exist in SQL-Ledger.  Probably what happened is that you installed OpenEMR before you installed SQL-Ledger.  The way to fix it is to edit and save the profile information for each of your providers (authorized users) in OpenEMR, which will post them to SL.

The same thing can happen with patients, if you enter them before SQL-Ledger is installed and interfaced with OpenEMR.  To fix that you would go into their demographics form and save it.

– Rod

jcahn2 wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2006:

This sounds much too easy.  I’ll try those maneuvers, but I still promise to learn how to use the ACLs.  Thanks,

jcahn2 wrote on Tuesday, June 06, 2006:

Answering again.  I followed the above instructions. Then I went to the excellent ACL instructions in the wiki OEMR Manual and magic! - everything works.  Mia culpa for being impatient and entering users before the setup was complete.  Kudos also to bradymd for the thorough and helpful Mandriva install wiki.  Now to play with some more demo patients before showing it to my office manager.

mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, May 06, 2008:

We have been in production for about 4 months without using OpenEMR’s billing features ( FreeB, SQL Ledger).  I have been testing on a development machine over the last couple of weeks trying to get the billing to work on my test box before moving to production.

1.)  Will I have an issue if we have been entering patients before installing FreeB and SQL Ledger? 

I am not sure I understand what Rod means by "To fix that you would go into their demographics form and save it. "

   a.) Does he mean to re-save each patient’s demographics again?