Mac OEMR 4.1.1 using Windows paths for backup?

fairflowers wrote on Thursday, May 30, 2013:

What are the correct entries under global settings for the Miscellanous “Path to MYSQL Binaries” for a Mac? Mine has the Windows path automatically inserted and I can’t back up anything.

I also found this tidbit of information and used it to backup my “data.” Does this include the databases or just the OpenEMR data (forms, etc…)?

“…make sure to back up your data.
The easiest way to do this is with tar. So, from the system preferences, choose your mysql pane and stop the server.
Then, as root: cd /usr/local/mysql tar -cvf databackup.tar data
Now you have a clone of the data folder. Run the updater binary and go back to the mysql directory. Make sure the server is still stopped from the pref pane again (in case the installer started it). Rather than deleting anything (far safety), just rename the new data folder and untar your original data:
cd /usr/local/mysql mv data data.bak tar -xvf databackup.tar
Then, restart your mysql server from the pref pane. This is also a good time to back up the /webroot/openemr/documents/ folder. This very large folder repsresnts ALL of your scanned images.”

yehster wrote on Thursday, May 30, 2013:

According to Bruce as described in this thread
the path is /usr/local/mysql/bin on OSX 10.8

fairflowers wrote on Friday, May 31, 2013:

tried that…still getting the message “returned 127:”

“…/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u ‘openemr’ -p’(hidden)’ -h’localhost’ --opt --quote-names -r /var/tmp/openemr_web_backup/emr_backup/openemr.sql ‘openemr3’” returned 127:

yehster wrote on Friday, May 31, 2013:

The “…” indicating a relative path is almost certainly part of the problem. Not sure if that’s coming from the configuration setting or from OpenEMR. If that’s something you put in, then get rid of it.

My next suggestion is that you open up Terminal and explicitly look for the directory that way.

Mac is not my forte so I’m kind of just guessing. Command-X/C/V instead of Control-X/C/V on Mac drives me crazy.

fairflowers wrote on Friday, May 31, 2013:

Sweet! It worked! Now for that patch…

Lol about the Command/Control thing. I prefer to think of it as “Flower-X/C/V”. :slight_smile:
