Looking for Weno eRx beta tester

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, October 13, 2016:

We are now looking for Weno eRx beta testers. Please contact us.
The service is free of charge.

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, October 19, 2016:

  1. In addition to an EMR installation, what are other requirements?

  2. Is it free during testing phase? If there is fee after that, could you share the schedule - you could send details privately through sf message if you prefer not to post.

It is great to have some competition for eRx connectivity.

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2016:

The other requirements are and SSL be in place.

The system is free to use. It is not a free now pay later.

There will be no long term fees for using the eRx.

I don’t understand, share the schedule. Does that mean time line?

mdsupport wrote on Monday, December 26, 2016:

Did testing go well? Any chance this will become available as an option in general release?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, January 02, 2017:

I think this project is now in limbo. Hopefully Sherwin will weigh in with an update soon.

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, January 02, 2017:

No one really signed up for testing the system. Yes, it is in limbo. The sponsor is concerned with security and people circumventing the code to get free service. But I have assured them that no one get free service without a account key that is built into the program.
However you know how it is when someone gets advice from none technical people.

There is some progress on the interface side. We seperated the selecting of the pharmacy from the drug input form and setup a intermediate step to review and select a pharmacy using three pieces of data. The transmit button appears after the selection of the pharmacy. Background jquery updates the record. Attached is the update to the article.

But he still does not want to release the code yet.

The one thing that is unlike newcrops is that they user would have to provide a static IP and SSL cert (self generate is ok). The SOAP connection would use this information in the authentication before any transfer of information.

Hope this make sense.

mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2017:

Have you thought about routing all Weno communications through your servers (like Newcrop interface)? That lets you control the submissions and responses from Weno and address your sponsor’s legitimate concerns. You can insert the account key without releasing it in the code. It will also take care of ip and ssl requirement.
Having an Amazon elastic server that purely brokers the JSONP requests and responses will be minimal expense since it will be minimal network traffic.

Just going out on a limb without knowing other details about Weno. Do let us know if we can help - having alternatives for essential services would be important for the community.

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, January 18, 2017:

The offer is accepted. Let’s work on this together.
You know where to find me?
How soon can we get started?
The system is currently on the AWS.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, February 17, 2017:

I really dislike when I have to type a message twice.

Attached is the sample code for the Weno Project.

I took the advice of MD Support, built a JSONP API and now the scripts can be delievered to our server for processing.

I would like some help integrating this process into the EMR.

Contact me via email and I will send you a copy of what I have done so far.
sherwingaddis at gmail.

I am pushing trying to have the process finished by the end of March. With help, it could be sooner.

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, March 07, 2017:

Had a productive reveiw with Tina yesterday which is causing a modification of the system. This will only delay the release one week more.

The change is on how the pharmacy is selected. We will be uitilizing the selection of the pharmacy in the patients chart and offering a mail order pharmacy.

The mail order pharmacy will be less expensive than walk-in pharmacies and more favoriable to insurance companies. This also solves the delima of pharmacies in the system. The practice will be able to use the list that is currently in their system.

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, March 07, 2017:

Finished the confirmation page. There is a return to the page of the success or failure of the order.
If the system fails to return a rejection or success as seen in the image. Then I fails silently on the user side. We will outline troubleshooting procedures in the wiki.

The system is young and will need a lot of fine tunning.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 08, 2017:

Hi Sherwin,
Sounds great and looking forward to getting this feature into the codebase.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, March 10, 2017:

Pull request has been submitted today.

It needs some features added but it is functional as of this release of the code.