Looking For Alternative Medical Billing Software...Noticed OpenEMR has Billing but wonder

plp384 wrote on Saturday, August 13, 2016:

Is it possible to file insurance electronically and not use the medical record portion?
Is it possible to submit claims to gateway edi using openemr?

I work for an optometrist and we are looking for a more economical solution for medical billing.

As far as running openemr on a single windows computer, are there any recommendations for securing the xampp and any best practices for the software itself. Would it make sense to install openemr on a computer not connected to the internet and just use a flash drive to upload a batch of insurance claims to gateway edi’s website on a computer that does have internet access? Just concerned about security.

I also noticed that someone is working on an eye exam form for openemr…it looks really good. Just wonder how it will integrate with the database? I tried to install openemr with the eye exam form but there does not seem to be a save button for the form.

Any help or info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for working on such an amazing software!

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, August 13, 2016:

  1. You will need to create patient record with name, sex, DoB and payor inforrmation. Then you can create encounter with optional description and bill. Everything else is optional.
  2. Yes
  3. If you unplug the ethernet cable, only security you will need to worry will be physical machine. I guess you could use flash route but edi files on flash drive are plain text and not very secure.
  4. You should share the form image with save button missing.

plp384 wrote on Saturday, August 13, 2016:

Thank You For The Reply.

Securing the machine within the software and keeping an internet connection to the computer seems plausible.

I appreciate your answers and hope to implement some form of openemr in the future. It looks very promising.

cverk wrote on Monday, August 15, 2016:

In windows 10, bitlocker can help secure the machine and flash drives. Running xampp security to password protect database etc. helps. If you are not running a portal to the outside or wifi and run a router and windows firewall you should be pretty well hidden. Uploading billing files go by https encryption in the browser.

plp384 wrote on Monday, August 15, 2016:

Thanks CVerk.

What about implementing gateway edi as a x12 partner? I’ve read a little bit about how the process isn’t that simple. That I’d need to contact gateway edi and send them a test (with fictitious data) claim to make sure it is properly read on their end.

We have been using a paid practice management software for many years to do medical claims but do not remember having to modify any settings in the software for the claims to be read properly by gateway. I do remember us sending them a test claim. Any info would be appreciated.

cverk wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2016:

I have only used officeally for x12, which has been easy and free. It seems I did have to contact them and send a test file the first time, but it has been smooth since and I didn’t have to modify anything. I have used them with openemr for almost 5 years and haven’t thought I needed to look at other options.

plp384 wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2016:

i’ve heard mixed reviews about oa. But have considered them in the past…do you think its possible to use their clearinghouse service while being signed up for another clearinghouse? I’d like to have my options open. And we tend to see more of non-par gov program patients…not sure how much that would cost a month but I think I read $20 if the claims are non-par and make up more than half the monthly claims submitted. Not that costly, and I’d like to use practice mate but do you use openemr for billing? Not sure whats holding me back from just using pm but I like the features of openemr.

cverk wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2016:

I’m a family medicine doc and I bill mostly commercial insurance so I haven’t run into that. I think the charges come if you have a majority medicare/medicaid patients as they don’t pay the clearinghouses. I don’t think par or non par matters. I kind of like holding onto my own data in house and being able to do what I want to with it, only limited by what I can figure out as apposed to being hostage to a vendor. I haven’t used any eye exam forms, so I can’t help you with that

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2016:

Regarding Ray’s eye form(which is simply awesome), work is ongoing to get this into the next OpenEMR release (and will be installed by default). btw, next OpenEMR release will likely be in 1-2 months.

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2016:

What about all the regular Doc’s that will not be using it. Do you think installing it by default is a wise choice?

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2016:

Hi Terry,

This is more on the database end since the database schema is complicated since it will bring in a group of document categories which are extremely finicky to add. We can disable it by default in Administration->Other->Forms, though, if community felt is shouldn’t be listed as an active form by default.
