Looking for a report that shows when a claim was generated

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Does anyone know of a report that will give the date a claim was generated?

Also Is there a report that will show when a item was created , user enters the date of service but it is not done on that date (catchup billing etc).

Thanks (fsgl and Pimm)


fr4nkie wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Not sure if there are any native reports that will generate that type of breakdown. The list displayed under Fees > Billing gives multiple timestamps, one of which is claim generated.

Enter your search criteria, click “Update List” then click “Expand All” to display the details for all applicable encounters. If needed, you could right click anywhere in the Billing Manager frame and select This Frame > Print Frame to make a printed list.

cmswest wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

closest thing i can think of is billing log

see attachment

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

I do not see “claim Generated” under the options. I am on version

fr4nkie wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

I don’t believe you can filter by date of claim generation. You may want to play around with the Date of Entry and Date of Billing filters to see if they will give you the desired result.

Screenshot attached shows the timestamp of when the encounter was coded and when the claim was generated. You have to click “Expand All” after updating your search criteria for the timestamps to display.

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Hi Terry,

I agree with Frankie about looking in the Billing Manager. Reports from the Menu won’t help.

We use Date of Billing to narrow the search. There are other criteria to choose from. On the same line as the patient’s name is the Expand link in parentheses. Clicking that link will give date the encounter was coded, date encounter was marked as clear, dates claim queued & generated for primary and secondary insurers. In short probably more stuff than you care to know.

Webpage can be printed from the browser printer function or by right clicking, frames can also be saved for analysis later.

I’m going to plagiarize Frankie’s screenshot.

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Thanks I think I can work with that

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Thanks… What about Is there a report that will show when a item was created , user enters the date of service but it is not done on that date (catchup billing etc). They enter the charge on 8/10/14 with a DOS of 8/7/14.

1 Like

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Date of claim file creation either as paper (HCFA) or e-claim (X12) and to which insurer would be documented. If an encounter was on 8/7, but the billing clerk was 3 days late coding the charges; the date of encounter coding would show up as 8/10 in the expanded view.

Of course if the billing clerk never uploads the files, the Billing Manager is of no use. For that the practice must get the various reports of accepted/rejected claims by the clearinghouse and insurers.

An Open Item Listing can be obtained from Fees/EOBs/EOB Posting Search. It will give the practice a good idea of the age of unpaid claims. Sometimes a secondary is late because the primary took forever processing the claim. Correlating both set of data clues the practice to the source of the holdup.

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:

Thanks … I understand Better now

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 11, 2014:


Forgot to attach screenshot of EOB Posting Search.